Climbing Everest

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"Who were you stayin' with tonight?" I asked as I held Roger against me to the point where the weight of my head was pressing into his forehead. My arms were slung over his shoulders and my hands caressing his back. He had his hands around my waist, my body pulled into his hips.

 "No one. I was gonna' get a cab and go back to Freddie's. Mary tried to get me a room but she couldn't." He explained. I closed my eyes and looked to the floor as I barely swayed with Roger. It more evidence that I was as emotionally delicate as he because those words cut right through me. I nodded.

 " don't have any clothes? Nothin' for tonight?"

 "No." He answered me.

 "We'll get you something of John's upstairs, sweetheart." I could feel Roger's nose rubbing against mine. He kissed me, as I held on to him tighter. It was one of those hot kisses that you didn’t really want to end. I could feel Roger move his hands all over me as I kissed him even more passionately.

 “I’ve missed your tongue, babe.” He whispered to me before sneaking his tongue between my lips. I moaned softly. I felt it to be an appropriate answer. Both of us just stood there for a moment, barely moving amongst the other couples out here on the dance floor with us. I closed my eyes for a moment and felt my entire body slump into Roger a bit. I caught myself and pulled myself back up straight.

 Roger looked at me with big, sleepy blue eyes. "I just wanna' go upstairs with you, Lyd. I'm so damn tired. I need to just hold you...I just...god...that's what I need more than anything right now." Between the exhausted tone of Roger's voice, the look on that baby face, and my own emotional fatigue; I couldn't fight back or bury the tears in the corners of eyes. I nodded my head and closed my eyes again. I couldn't have agreed with him more. It was as if an emotional geyser had been released.

 "Let's go, Rog. Come on. Let’s go get our cake. I’m sure there is plenty leftover. We’ll take it with us...go upstairs...lie down. I really need be just you an' me for awhile." I think my words had just as much an effect on Roger as his had on me. He took my hand began to lead me back to the table. I spun around and gave Veronica several hand motions to indicate that Roger and I were leaving. She gave me a wave as Roger and I returned to our seats.

 “You gonna’ eat that?” Roger asked of Brian and Chrissie, who hadn’t touched their cake. They shoved their plates toward Roger and he pushed their slices onto his plate the fork.

 “You two leavin’? Here, you can have mine too.” Mary reached her piece of cake across the table to us. Now, we had a total of five pieces of cake.

 “Lovelies! Veronica says breakfast brunch buffet tomorrow at 10:30! Don’t be late!” Freddie winked as Roger and I didn’t really react. We merely took a mental note of this information and left. I had to admit that I was relieved to be leaving the ballroom even though I knew this party would go on well into 3:00 AM. The mezzanine floor of the hotel was empty as Roger and I made our way to the elevator. I reached up the side of my dress to where I had the key for the room and the elevator carefully tucked away. We had no idea if we were supposed to take these plates from the ballroom or not. But, we had. Roger and I were the only ones in the elevator as I jammed the key in its hole for floor 40. The elevator lunged upward. I could hear Roger sigh as he leaned backwards against the raised railin’.

 “What’s on your mind sweetheart?” I asked as we soared higher and higher.

 “I never dreamed I’d actually be stayin’ here tonight.” He confessed. I smiled at him

 “I’m so happy you are.” I answered. The elevator kept dinging as I looked up to the floors lighting up: 33, 34, 35, 36…Because it was late, we weren’t stopping at any other floors. Thirty-seven, 38, ‘39… The elevator dinged once more and the doors flew open in a thud.  “Here we are, sweetheart.” Roger still had the plateful of cake in his hands as he followed me off the elevator and down the hall.

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