What You Can't in a Church

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There was a knock on the door and John opened it, his face lighting up. "I'm so glad you came!" John beamed, stepping to the side. "Come in, come in." Roger stepped into the room off the back of the main sanctuary where John was getting ready. "Oh, Roger, so glad you're here! Nigel has been driving me crazy this morning and I just had to send him off. John was only part-way dressed at this point. There were forty-five minutes to go before the music began for the ceremony. He smiled nervously and motioned for Roger to sit down beside him. “Did you come with Freddie and Mary?” John asked.

 “Yeah, Mary is outside on the front steps with Freddie fighting with him over the stupid feather boa he insisted on wearin’. It looks ridiculous.” Roger smiled at him.

 “Mary should know better. If Freddie has his heart set on a feather boa…then that’s what he’s going to wear. Can you believe I’m getting married?” John laughed as he said it out loud.

 “I can’t. I can’t believe I’m sitting here, with you…in the back of a church.” Roger admitted. John reached for the water he had sitting on a nearby table and took a drink as Roger watched him with a rather despondent stare.

 “Shit. John. I wish I could…pull it together for you…just for a few minutes. I don’t mean to…look this down and all.” Roger sighed.

 “You can’t say shit in a church Roger.” John laughed at him.

 “Oh damn…that’s right. I forgot.” Roger shook his head. John laughed again.

 “Veronica’s pregnant.” John blurted out without any kind of forewarning at all. Roger looked at John in a state of shock, disbelief covering his face. “See, this is one reason I wanted you back here with me before you went into the sanctuary with Freddie and Mary. I knew you’d give me an honest reaction to the news.” John said smiling.

 “I can’t believe it, John! Wha…how!? When?” Roger asked.

 “I don’t know when. Musta’ been when she went off the pill.” John explained. “I’m gonna’ be a husband and a father.” Roger didn’t say anything. He was still trying to swallow this information.  He was preparing to say something when there was a knock on the door. John looked up at the door, over to Roger and then at the door again. “C…come in?” he called to the door. John watched the knob turn and the door opened slightly. A figure in long robes sneaked inside.  “Father! Hello, father! So good to see you. This is Roger, one of my closest friends.” John stood up and greeted the priest, introducing Roger. The priest nodded at John and then at Roger. He put his hands out to the sides, having a Bible in his right hand.

 “An hour away, John! You nervous?” The priest put his hand on John’s shoulder. John shook his head excitedly.

 “I am, Father.” He laughed nervously at his question. The priest gave him a reassuring and firm pat on the shoulder. He opened up his Bible.

 “Do you have any confessions, John?” the priest asked. The question made John even more nervous. You can’t say shit in a church and you shouldn’t lie to your priest about your pregnant soon-to-be wife in a church but, hey…

 “No, Father. I have none.” Roger watched John cross himself. He was rather confused and perplexed.

 “And you?” the priest shifted his focus to Roger.

 “Uh…” Roger looked at John nervously and then the priest. “I…I’m not Catholic.” Roger admitted.

 “It’s okay. You don’t have to be Catholic to share what’s on your mind.” John tilted his head and looked at Roger.

 “Oh…well, well in that case. I’m a mess. I don’t really want to talk about it…but I’m a mess…” Roger looked down at the green-carpeted floor.

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