7| Autumn Wedding

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Los Angeles. April 2016

"How was your birthday weekend?" Suzie asked Kristen one afternoon.

"Relaxing." She answered, remembering their lovely time in New York. "We spent one night at the Bowery then we took a road trip to Mohonk Mountain House. It was really beautiful and peaceful."

"Sounds like the perfect romantic getaway." Suzie said dreamily.

"It is. If we didn't have any ideas for our honeymoon I'd go back there." Kristen checked her to-do list under the loving stare of her friend. "Go there with Jack." She winked and smiled seeing Suzie blush.

"I don't really wanna go where my best friend shacked up with her fiancé for a whole weekend." She made a disgusted face and Kristen rolled her eyes. "So, are you relax enough for the next crazy six months of your life?"

"I am." And she was. She freaked out but Rob was supporting her. What was at the end of the road was worth it. October couldn't come soon enough. "Okay, so can we check what I already planned so far?" Suzie nodded. "We have a date, a place." She checked her these items on her list. "I called some wedding dress designers for this month. You're coming with me." Kristen pointed at Suzie with her pen and she saluted her with her hand like a good soldier. "Good. We need to send the invitations, thankfully the guestlist is not that long. The honeymoon is Rob's job and so is the music. What else?"

So for the next half hour Suzie and Kristen checked her list and organised appointments and task between family and friends. Doing this appeased Kristen. Slowly her wedding was looking less messy and she couldn't wait to share that with Rob. They had agreed he was going to be involved in the wedding as much as her.

"What about the rings?" Suzie asked. "Where would you guys want them made?"

"It's a surprise." Suzie gasped mouth wide open. "What?"

"Your wedding ring is gonna be a surprise. Wow." She leaned back on her chair. "Aren't you scared? I would be!"

"No." Kristen chuckled and looked at her hands on the table focusing on her engagement ring. "He chose it perfectly." She moved her hand to show it to Suzie. "I trust him."

"Such a perfect match." She said in aw. "It's almost sickening."

"What about this one? It's not puffy or fluffy." Suzie said placing a white dress in front of her to a bored Kristen. "Okay. What do you want?" She sighed and put the dress back on the rack. Crossing her arms she stood in front of her friend.

"Not one of these for sure." Kristen waved her hand around.

"We've been driving around L.A all day and you found nothing." Kristen arched an eyebrow. "You don't want a designer dress." Suzie sat down next to Kristen.

"I love their dresses but I don't feel it for my own wedding." Sighing she tucked at her hair. "I want the one." Suzie giggled.

"You will. Don't worry."

"What a waste of time."

"It was funny to watch you whined. You're very entertaining."

Back home Kristen tossed her keys and shoes and walked to the kitchen, followed by her dogs. She was frustrated with herself and the only way to get her mind to think of something else was to cook. So she decided to prepare the dinner.

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