[eleven: part two]

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♔Lindsey's P

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Lindsey's P.O.V

ZAC had asked me out to the masquerade party last evening. It still seemed surreal that he wanted me there as his date.

I was still a little confused and light-headed from how everything had escalated so quickly. One day Zac and I were fighting and the next day he asks me out to a date, almost like we hadn't fought a while back. Well, I can't blame him, because he doesn't know who I really am. He thinks I'm just some stranger he hasn't met. If only he knew that he bumped into me more than often.

The party was in two days. Although I had agreed to go with Zac, I still had to ask my uncle for permission. So here I was in my room, pacing back and forth and trying to come up with a plan on how to approach uncle with this.

One thing I knew for sure was that I was never a party person. I preferred to keep myself company and stay away from anything dramatic. Now asking him to go to a party will surely shock him. He knew that I never liked parties. And since I had agreed to this one, he would probably interrogate me for all I know.

Running another hand through my tangled hair, I sighed and took a seat on my bed. Perhaps, I should cancel my plans with Zac. Uncle would never allow me to attend a party. Especially if there was a high chance that Vicki would attend. This was probably the right thing to do.

Grabbing my phone that lay on the bed beside me, I entered my contacts and searched for Zac's name. After having found it, my thumb hovered over the dial button, somehow feeling hesitant to call him all of a sudden.

My thumbs near the button, but a knock on my door diverts my attention from my phone.

"Lindsey. You in there, kiddo?" It was uncle. I quickly slipped my phone beneath my pillow.

"You may come in uncle," I called out.

Seconds later my door opened up and uncle's head peeked through the small space he had made. He looked around before his eyes finally settled on me.

"Is everything okay, kid. You've not been speaking for a while." He stepped into the room and took a seat beside me on the bed.

Uncle always knew when something was wrong and he'd always make sure to try cheer me up whenever I felt down in the dumps. That's what I loved most about him.

"It's nothing. I'm just feeling tired, that's all." I shrugged, trying to drop the topic.

"You're a bad liar, kid. How am I suppose to help you if you don't tell your ol' man what the matter is." I sighed, deciding to finally come clean. Uncle had really strong detective senses.

"I need to ask you something," I confessed, twiddling with my fingers as I refused to look him in the eyes.

"Well, ask away kiddo. What do you need?" He asked, patiently awaiting for an answer.

"Well, uncle, there's this party happening in two days time and... I wanted to ask if I could go." I said amd felt the urge to facepalm myself for being such a baby and not asking him this question earlier.

To my surprise, uncle burst out into a loud chuckle that resounded in my room. He got up from my bed and ruffled my already tangled hair. It's going to take a while to remove all those tangles now.

"Kid, that's it. Of course you can go. I don't have any problem." He said, ruffling my hair once more.

This time around, some landed on my face, so I tucked the strands securely behind my ears.

"Really?" I asked once more to be sure that he had said yes. I had never expected uncle to agree so easily.

"Of course, kiddo. You need to live more and loosen up. So, what are you wearing to the party. Which boy asked my beautiful niece out?"

I coughed out after uncle's last sentence.

"I don't have an outfit for the party. And no guy asked me out uncle. I just wanted to spend some time for myself, that's why I'm going. Besides I've got to live more and loosen up," I said, making uncle chuckle at me using his words against me.

"Alright, kid. So what kinda party is this?"

"Masquerade party." The confusion was laced in my voice. Why would he ask this question?

"Alright, kiddo. Stay home, I'm heading out to grab some groceries. I'll be back in a couple of hours. And your pizza is in the fridge." With that he ruffled my hair once more and stepped out of my room, shutting the door behind him.

Making sure that uncle was a distanve away, I jumped into the air in triumph, fist pumping the air in victory.

A vibrant smile lit my lips and radiated through my whole being.

Thank goodness uncle allowed me to attend the party.

It's been hours since uncle had gone shopping for groceries. It never took this much time. I paced around the living room, getting worried with every second that passed by.

My phone was clutched in my hands, as I thought of a possible way to reach him. I had called him earlier on, but the calls were not going through. He probably had his cellphone on flight mode.

It didn't look like he would return at any given moment, so I made up my mind to go search for him. As I walk to my room to fetch my jacket, the front door opens and uncle walks in, with so many bags in his hands. I hope he did not buy the whole store.

"Uncle, where were you. I was worried sick about you." I walked over and helped out with the groceries.

"There was nothing to worry about, kid. Your uncle here just was just headed on a wild shopping spree. Nothing special."

A wild shopping spree it was. He had tons of grocery with him. The whole house will be stocked because of this.

Heading over to the kitchen, I placed the groceries in the cupboard and placed some in the refrigerator. After sorting everything out, I returned to uncle out with the remaining bags.

"You must be tired uncle. Let me help you with that." As I proceed to take the bags, I notice that they are clothing bags from famous clothing stores.

"You went shopping?" I asked, a bit surprised. Shopping was never uncle's forte.

"Yep, had to get myself some new clothes. Don't worry your pretty little head, kid. Your ol' man can still handle a few bags."

With that uncle walked past me heading upstairs to his room with all the bags.

I wonder what's in them?


Heya! Thanks for reading and if you enjoyed it, make sure to vote and tell me what you think through the comments.  :D
P.S. I've got two days off from exams. So an update will be heading your way on Thursday!

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