[twelve: part one]

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♔Lindsey's P

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Lindsey's P.O.V

TWO DAYS had passed by more quicker than I had expected. Today was the masquerade party.

I was up early. With all my morning routines completed, I was preparing some breakfast for uncle and myself. It was still a school day, so I had a whole day of cleaning to before the party starts. But that is not what I'm worried about.

What's worrying me was the uncomfortable churning sensation in my stomach just thinking about meeting Zac. Saying I was nervous would be an understatement.

What's making me nervous, you ask? Going as Zac's date and the high possibility of him asking me to remove my mask and reveal myself to him and everyone else in the room.

We've been speaking for a while now, and everyday I got to conclude that he was great company. It was like we were two mirror images of one another. He understood my pain and I understood his. Everyday, we started knowing about one another on a different level.

But I still could not face him. He did mention that he would judge me because of my status or anything, but I was still scared.

A deep part of me was still scared to show him the real me. The janitor who cleans up after people's dirt and nothing more. The worthless janitor everyone hated; a failure in everyone else's eyes.

"So, when's the party starting, kiddo?" Uncle said, pulling me back into reality. I looked in his direction as he grabbed his tools for work.

I totally forgot to ask Zac about the time and palce of the party. "To be honest, I really don't know. I'll check."

Taking my phone from the counter, I searched for Zac's digit and dialled. Three rings and he had answered the call.

"Hey," I say a bit too quickly, which only made him chuckle on the other end of the phone.

"Looks like someone's excited to meet me today," He said amusingly, and I shook my head. I forgot that Zac couldr be a joker when he wanted to be.

"I'm not that excited," I shrugged, rolling my eyes at his cockiness. But deep down my heart was beating at an unexplainable rate. I might know who he really was, but I couldn't wait to meet him. He was the only person who truly understood me. The person I could act normal and just be me around.

"Whatever you say, beautiful. I'd thought you called because you missed me. Since that is not the case, how about you tell me why you called."

"I'd like to know when the party's starting." I looked behind me to see that uncle was already gone. Good thing he wasn't around witnessing this. It would be weird talking to a guy in front of my uncle.

"You're punctual, I like it. It's seven in the evening, stranger."

"Cool. I'll be there. Thanks, we'll talk later, okay. Bye." I am about to hang up, when he speaks suddenly.

"You could text me your address and I could pick you up." That idea had trouble written all over it.

"No, it's okay," I politely declined, "I don't want to be too much of a burden on you. I think it would be best that we meet at the party."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind picking you up," he asked one more time to clarify. I don't think it would be right to meet at home.

Firstly, uncle was around and I lied to him and said that I had no date to the party. If he saw Zac here, he wouldn't be pleased. Plus, Zac picking me up is a risk factor. He could ask me to remove my mask, which I was still not ready for. So it would be best to just meet at the party.

"Thanks for the offer Zac, but I'm hundred percent sure that I'll be able to manage alone. I'll meet you at the party, okay?" I said.

"Alright, beautiful. See you at the party." From the tone in his voice, I could tell that he was disappointed by the fact that I had declined a ride with him.

If it weren't for the situation I was in, I would have agreed, but for now, things have to be this way.

"Bye," he whispered.

"Bye," I whispered back, feeling really bad that I turned him down. It was for the best.

The day seemed to drag by slower than I had expected it to. It was still midday, and lunch was to being in a couple of minutes. Currently, I was finishing off my cleaning in an empty class. The peaceful silence somehow made me work at a much faster pace.

"I hope that's the last one," I murmured to my self, releasing a heavy breath as I wiped away the sweat that gathered on my forehead. Cleaning is a hard job. But it will all be worth it in the end when I am able to attend school.

Since I had finished all my work for the day, I gathered the equipment and headed over to the janitors closet to place them back. Luckily the halls were empty, so it was much easier for me to make it to the closet without students constantly bumping into me.

Reaching the closet, I neatly placed the items in the respective places before closing the door and locking it up.

There was no work left over for me, so I made me way to Mr Woods, the man incharge of janitors in the school. He was currently in an empty classroom, sweeping away the dust that seem to gather in the air as I entered the classroom. I fanned the dust particles away with my hand and made my walked towards him.

"Mr Woods?" I called out to him, as he turned around to face me.

"Oh, good morning Lindsey. How is your day going?" He placed his broom beside a desk.

"My day is excellent, Mr Woods. How about yours?" I made small conversation.

"Lovely as usual. Still tons of work I need to finish off. Tell me, what do you need?" He scratched his bald head and took his broom from where he had placed it.

"I came to give you the keys to the closet. I've finished with all my work." I handed him the keys as he took them in his hands.

"Thank you, dear. Since you have finished, I believe it would be best that you leave for home. You've been working a lot lately."

Having heard that I could leave early made me grin. I did not expect to leave early.

"Thank you so much, Mr Woods." I told him, and he replied, saying that it was no problem.

With that, I rushed over to the empty classroom where I had left my backpack. Taking it, I quickly went to the lady's bathroom, freshened up and walked over to the entrance as I began to head home.

The thought of the upcoming party and meeting Zac imprinted on my mind like a tattoo.

The party will surely be a memorable one.


Another update and tons of love and kisses for reading my book! Thanks for the support everyone, I really appreciate every single one of you ❤❤

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