Chapter Four

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The next morning Kristin threw on some ripped jeans and a black cropped tshirt.

Slipping on her Vans, she went to breakfast with her parents. They wanted to spend some time with her before she left.

"You've hardly touched your food," her mother commented, watching Kristin poke her blueberry pancake with her fork.

"I guess I'm not that hungry," she shrugged.

"I know you are scared about moving in with Ryder, but this will be a start to a new life. A life with your mate."

If Kristin had eaten anything, she would have thrown up then and there.

"I'm proud that you are doing this Kris," her father spoke, "You are making the pack stronger by living with Ryder and we are all grateful for that."

"You're all grown up," her mother sighed lightly, "Already going off to live with your mate."

Kristin willed her stomach to calm down so she wouldn't get sick from anxiety.

"He'll take care of you," her mother smiled, (not knowing where to stop), "Just like your father took care of me."

Alpha John smiled at his mate, wrapping an arm around her.


Kristin excused herself to go to the bathroom and slipped outside so she could breath some fresh air.

This would be the death of her.

Three hours later it was twelve o'clock and Alpha John was saying good bye to Rickard, Karmin, and Gabriel.
They were heading back to Nightfall now that the alliance was formed.

Kristin watched as Alpha Rickard pulled Ryder off to the side, speaking to him lowly.

She tried to listening in, but darn her human ears. She only saw Ryder's lips moving to reply to his father as he glanced at Kristin.

She quickly looked away, going back to saying goodbyes to her parents.

"We'll see you soon, sweetie," her mother hugged her.

After she hugged her father, Marcus walked up and ruffled her hair. "Be good, Kris."

"You too, Marcie."

She laughed as her brother cringed at his nickname she had used since they were little.

She nodded at her father one last time before turning to get into the passenger seat. Ryder was sitting in the driver's seat, waiting for her.

"Took long enough," he muttered as she got in.

"Why are you driving?" she asked, ignoring his comment.

"Hello to you too," he said, pulling out of the driveway. She briefly saw her mother waving in the rear view mirror, before she went out of sight.

"I don't trust you or your driving," she said, her mood turning sour.

"That hurts," he said, putting a hand over his heart sarcastically.

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