Chapter Six

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The next morning Kristin woke up before Ryder, she assumed because he was still in his room across the hall.

She continued to unpack the rest of her stuff, putting up some pictures of her friends and family.

Half way through, she turned on some music, continuing to organize her room.

Suddenly the door opened and a squinting Ryder was standing in the doorway.


"You're so loud," he grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"Turn off your enhanced wolf hearing then," she shrugged.

"Ha, Ha. Very funny."

She busied herself with her ring so she wouldn't stare at his muscular arms and chest... and abs.

Her face almost turned red thinking about it.

"I'm taking the car," he said yawning, oblivious to Kristin's inner struggle.


"None of your business."

"Real mature."

"Thanks for noticing." And with that he walked away.

Someone's grumpy in the morning, Kristin thought, rolling her eyes.

After she finished setting up her room and the connected bathroom she showered and came down stairs, heading for the kitchen.

She was pretty sure Ryder had left because it was completely silent.

She smiled to herself as she started blending a smoothie for breakfast.

Ryder thought the car was the only vehicle here.
However, as she toured the house yesterday, she peeked into the garage, finding a sleek white car.
She wasn't sure what model it was, because she was never that interested in cars. All she knew was that this was a newer model.

She went back upstairs and got dressed in a tshirt dress, tying a denim jacket around her waist.
She braided her still wet hair and applied her usual makeup routine.

By the time she had grabbed her phone and wallet, walking out the door, it was almost eleven in the morning.

She smiled to herself as she sat on the black leather seat, seeing the keys in the ignition.

Now for a place to go.

She decided to head to town. Mostly because upon arriving, this would be the first time she was in town completely by herself. No guards. No Ryder.

Feeling a sudden sense of freedom, Kristin turned up the music and rolled her windows down.

About two hours later, Kristin was seated in the food court, shopping bags next to her.

She was nibbling on her french fries and people watching-- her favorite past time.

She was laughing from watching a couple getting into a heated argument outside of a lingerie store, when someone walked up to her.

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