Chapter Sixty Two

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The next morning Kristin rolled over feeling cold, wanting to scoot closer to Ryder and his warmth. When she didn't feel anything, she realized the bed was empty and quickly sat up, opening her tired eyes.

The lights were off, but the rising sun peeking in through the windows hurt her sensitive eyes. Her head pounded from the sudden movement of sitting up and her entire body still felt exhausted.

Ryder came in with wet hair, shirtless again, and buttoning his jeans.

"I thought you left without me," she grumbled, laying back in bed.

"I took a shower to wake me up," he yawned, walking over to the closet.

"Where are you going?" she asked, looking at the clock.

It was seven in the morning, which meant by the time they finally went to bed they had gotten about three hours of sleep.

"Pack building," was all he said.

"I want to come," she whined, wishing she could sleep for a few more hours, but not wanting to miss any more planning.

"What?" Ryder distractedly replied, pulling a shirt over his head.

"I'm coming with you," she stretched, trying to get herself out of bed.

Ryder shook his head, walking over to sit on the bed. "I'm just going to check with the fighters and trackers. I want to make sure the rounds are being done and the guards are doubled."

Kristin attempted to get up but Ryder pulled her back in the bed with him. "Keep sleeping Kristin. You need more sleep than me."

"No," she jumped out of bed, forgetting about her pounding headache until then.

"Kristin," he groaned, watching her quickly grab clothes and go to the bathroom.

"I'll be quick, wait for me!" she called from behind the door, showering and putting on some fresh leggings and a sweatshirt since it was getting colder in the mornings.

She towel dried her wet hair and left it down, in too much of a hurry to braid it.

"Finally," Ryder groggily said from the bed. She was pretty sure he had fallen asleep waiting for her.

"I only took fifteen minutes. That the fastest I've ever gotten ready," she said, walking over to him.

He was laying on his back with his hands behind his head as she sat next to him, leaning down to rest her head on his chest.

"You're still tired," she smiled teasingly at him, "I thought I was the one who needed more sleep than you."

Ryder slid his hands down to grab her waist, pulling her on top of him.

"You do need more sleep."

"So do you," she shot back, trying to keep her face from tinting pink as she laid on top of him.

"Mhmm," he grumbled, lifting his head up to move his lips against hers.

She melted into him, putting her hands into his wet hair.

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