Chapter Forty Four

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Kristin had spent the last twenty minutes meeting everyone at the fighter's training field. She was surprised at how nice everyone was to her, making this easier than she thought it'd be.

"It's nice to meet you, Luna," another person squeezed through the crowd to shake her hand. Kristin noticed he was both younger and smaller than the rest of the fighters.

"It's nice to meet you too, um..." Kristin returned his smile.

"Trevor," he finished for her, smiling even wider.

Kristin nodded at him and felt a hand touch the small of her back. She almost jumped, but somehow realized it was Ryder, even before she turned to look at him.

"I'm going to go talk to Liam," he told her, nodding back at the building, where Liam was standing.

"Okay," she replied, deciding not to join him, mostly because Liam secretly intimidated her.

"Guys, let your girl through, will you?" Kristin heard a familiar voice in the crowd.

"Evelyn?" she asked, surprised. She had forgotten that she was actually a fighter in the pack as well.

Looking around, she realized Evelyn seemed to be the only female fighter also.

"Finally I get to see you!" Evelyn said dramatically as she shoved the nearest guy away from them.

"Hey, watch it!" he turned around, glaring at whoever the culprit was.

"Oh shut it, Rob," Evelyn waved him off, making him scowl, but walk away.

"I can't believe you put up with all of these guys," Kristin laughed.

"I can handle them," Evelyn shrugged, "I train half of them, so..."

She put her hands on her hips, smirking in their direction. Some of the guys were back to training, while the others still stood around and talked.

"That's so cool," Kristin shook her head. In times like these she wished she had a wolf so she had a chance to compete with everyone else. But alas, she was a fragile human.

"So, where's your second in command?" Evelyn glanced around.

"What?" Kristin asked, not knowing who she was referring to. The beta? She hadn't seen Jake since the first meeting.

"Ryder," she laughed in response to Kristin's confusion.

"Oh," Kristin grinned, once again thinking she needed to become friends with this girl, "He was talking with Liam over there... Oh I should go find him actually. We were supposed to have a meeting soon."

"Ah, about the rogue situation?" Evelyn lowered her voice although no one was paying attention to their conversation.

"You know about that?"

"I do now," she smiled.
"I overheard Liam talking to Ryder on the phone the other day," she explained to Kristin.

"Yeah, I should really find Ryder," Kristin said, now distracted with worry about the rogue situation.

"The Alpha? He left," someone said behind Kristin.

"What?" she turned around to see a guy looking at her.

"Yeah, he left about fifteen minutes ago?" he thought for a second, before nodding.

"You've got to be kidding me," Kristin huffed, "I knew something was up."

"What do you mean?" Evelyn asked.

"Ryder didn't want me to go to the meeting. He brought me here to distract me and go without me," she replied, her annoyance turning into anger.

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