Chapter Forty Two

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Kristin squinted her eyes open and stretched out her arms, hitting the person beside her.

Ryder groaned and mumbled something as he moved to his side.

Kristin snickered, covering her mouth as she watched Ryder open his eyes to glare at her.

"It's funny to punch me in the face, is it?" he said grumpily.

Kristin fought off her grin, "It was an accident," she shrugged.

She hadn't been expecting him to be there when she woke up. He usually got up before her.

She knew he was tired; they had spent the majority of the night/ morning talking.

"Sure it was," he rolled his eyes before closing them.

Kristin got up to go to the bathroom and on her way back she heard Ryder's phone ringing.

"Ryder, your phone," she sat back in bed, poking his arm.

"I can hear it," he said, without opening his eyes.

"You should answer it, it could be important," Kristin glanced over at his ringing phone on the nightstand.

"It's fine."


"You answer it then."

Kristin scoffed as the ringing ended, "What if it's about the rogues?"

"It's not," he replied, his voice husky from lack of sleep.

Kristin watched him for a while until his phone started ringing again.

She watched as he made zero attempt to wake up and answer it.

"Seriously?" Kristin shook her head, knowing he'd hear her.

"I'm taking a break from being Alpha today," he mumbled into his pillow, "You can take over."

"That's not how it works," she continued when he remained quiet, "We're both Alphas."

He shook his head slightly, "Not today."

She saw his lips twitch into a smirk when she huffed in response.

When the phone started ringing for the third time, Kristin learned over him and reached for his phone.

His hand brought her arm away from grabbing the phone and he made her lay back, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"Ryder! Let me answer the phone," she tried turning to face him, as she was now pressed against him facing the opposite way.

"No, I'm shutting it off. Let's just stay here today."

"Stay in bed all day?" Kristin asked like he was crazy.

"Yes. I need more sleep and so do you."

"I'm fine—"

"No you aren't, Kristin. You haven't gotten decent sleep in forever. You're exhausted."

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