Chapter Twenty Four

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Kristin sighed, sitting down again, "I know we're mates, Ryder."

Ryder's eyes searched her face for a reaction, however she had given herself enough time to let the news settle in. She just wanted to see Ryder's reaction.

"How--" he started saying, eyeing Kristin suspiciously.

"Come one, Ryder. You said it yourself. Your father was crazy, but he was smart. He figured out I was actually your mate. That's why he kidnapped me."

"My father told you?" he asked in disbelief.

"I guess at that point I already knew, but I was just in denial. Rickard confirmed it, though."

Ryder slowly nodded, trying to recover from this surprise.

"Also, on my way here, someone said I was 'the Alpha's mate', so..." she shrugged and sat back in her seat.

"Well, I guess I don't have to tell you that anymore," he muttered, confused that she was being so calm about this.

Kristin held her finger up, "Just because you were keeping it a secret from your father, didn't mean you had to keep it a secret from me."

"You basically made me say we weren't mates," he defended himself.

"No, I told you to tell me the truth!"

"No, you said 'I know we're not mates, so just say it,' so I did."

"Why?" Kristin threw her hands up.

"To shut you up," he shrugged, smirking.

Kristin scoffed, shaking her head at him.

"Also to make things easier," he shrugged.

"Easier?" Kristin scoffed, "We've done nothing but fight and argue for the past few weeks."

"Kristin, even if you knew we were mates, you'd still argue with me, right?"

Kristin remained silent, glaring at him.

"Thought so," he replied, smirking back to his computer screen.

Kristin was about to speak up when there was a knock on the door.

"Ethan," Ryder replied to the door, already knowing who it was.

A younger boy walked in, nodding his head at Ryder, "Alpha."

"I told you not to call me that," Ryder crossed his arms over his chest.

"Sorry Al-" he stopped himself before he could let the word slip again.

His gaze turned curiously to Kristin, sitting in the chair across from Ryder.

Ryder cleared his throat, giving Ethan a look that meant, spit it out.

"We're having another meeting in five minutes," his words were rushed.

Ryder nodded waving him away, "Alright, I'll be there soon."

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