Chapter Sixty Six

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It was the day before the Luna Celebration. All week Kristin had spent recovering. Once she was better, Ryder finally let her go with him to the pack building. They attended meetings together, made plans together, and made decisions together.

The pack was going to be on a safety warning for the next couple of weeks, or months. The trackers still didn't know where the rogues had gone, and no one knew when they would attack.

So to be safe, Ryder and Kristin, along with Jake, Ethan, Liam, and Andrew, put the pack in a safety warning. No one was to leave the borders of the pack and no one was to be outside after dark. Guards were now tripled, every minute of the day and night, a group was patrolling.

If the guards happened to see the rogues, they'd immediately alert Ryder, who would alert the entire pack through mind link. Everyone was assigned to designated bunkers that were built securely underground for safety.

Everyone else would stay out and fight to protect the pack. More wolves were encouraged to sign up to join the trackers and fighters, to help protect the pack.

Ryder and Kristin spent most of their days visiting with concerned pack members, addressing their questions and ensuring their family's safety.

The rest of the time they'd be in meetings in the pack building, or in Ryder's office, waiting to hear if there were any new leads on the rogues whereabouts.

Planning the Luna Celebration was one of the most carefully planned out events. It would take place in the middle of the pack, where there would be all groups of guards on duty, each taking turns to briefly attend the ceremony.

Escape routes to the safety bunkers were enforced to make sure they'd be ready in case of an invasion.

Personal guards would be assigned to Kristin during the event, making sure she was watched over, while she was out in the open and the center of attention.

Everything had been planned out. Every worst case scenario was planned for. The only thing Ryder and Kristin were lacking in, was sleep.

Kristin had been forced to rest while recovering, but once she was no longer sick, she had been up with Ryder.

Standing in front of the glass windows, Kristin peered down on the set up that could be seen from where she was in Ryder's office. There was a stage already up, and lights were being strung everywhere, tables were being set up, and speakers.

She slowly exhaled, giving herself an inner pep talk so she wouldn't chicken out of this tomorrow morning.

The girls had already picked out a beautiful dress for her to wear, and all of the plans were being set into motion.

Walking over to where Ryder was sat at his desk, she crawled on top of the wooden surface, pushing the stack of papers to the side.

She smiled softly, watching Ryder's head resting on his arm, hearing his quiet inhales and exhales while he slept.

She was glad he had finally fell asleep, even if it was half sitting up. The past couple of days, he had been working to ensure the pack would be safe, helping Kristin and the others set up safety procedures and plans.

Ryder's head started falling and he suddenly jolted up, eyes opening.

"Were you watching me sleep?" he asked groggily, giving her a weird look.

"Maybe," she laughed, running her hand through his hair to get it out of his eyes.

"We've gone over this Kristin. Just because you think I'm nice to look at, doesn't mean you can stare at me while I'm sleeping."

"I can do whatever I want to do," she teased, sliding down so she was on his lap.

He raised his brow, pulling her closer to him.

"I am your Luna," she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I am your Alpha," he retorted, smirking.

"I don't think you heard me," she smirked back, bringing her lips down to his, "I am your Luna."

He closed the distance, kissing her and causing tingles to shoot through her body.

"Ryder," she said in a serious voice, pulling away to look at him.

"What?" he asked confused, trying to lean back in.

She stopped him again, "Ryder."

"What's wrong?" he asked, his forehead creasing.

Kristin shook her head, locking eyes with him.

"Tell me," he demanded.

She sighed, pulling at the end of his hair and interlacing her fingers behind his neck.

"Mark me."

Ryder looked totally caught off guard. His eyes searched her face, his mouth opening.

"What did you just say?" he asked slowly.

"I said," she grinned, leaning down to peck him on the lips, "I want you to mark me."

"If you're joking this is not—"

"Ryder for God sake!" she laughed, pulling the hem of her shirt down to expose her neck, "Do it."

"Holy sh*t, you really aren't kidding," he said, his confusion transforming into a smirk.

    •.      •.      •.     •.      •.      •.      •.

I'mmm baaaaack!

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