Chapter Sixty Five

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"And then what?" Kristin exclaimed, throwing her hands up.

"What do you mean then what?" Ryder asked confused.

"Once you mark me then everyone will start bugging us about completing the bond."

"You mean ma—"

"Yes Ryder," she snapped, but then sighed.

"Everything is going too fast, next thing I know people will be asking when we're having kids."

"Kristin, I'm only nineteen. I'm not having kids right now," Ryder chuckled.

"I'm eighteen! How do you think I feel?"

"No one will expect us to have kids any time soon," he assured her.

"I know how pack's work, they'll be pressuring us to have the next heir soon."

"Kristin, calm down. We have a long time before that. We don't have to talk about this right now," he shook his head.

"Sorry," she sighed, "It's just that I remember how we had to act engaged for the arrangement. I didn't think I was ready for marriage and it freaked me out."

"It wasn't real," Ryder replied, "Plus, we don't have to get married, it was just a contract thing."

Kristin nodded.

She remembered her mother telling her how she married her father, even though it wasn't exactly werewolf tradition. She was a human though, and weddings were tradition for her mother.

Kristin was raised in a pack so for her marriage wasn't much of a tradition but she had always liked the idea of it.

Once she found someone, that is. She hates being forced into an engagement when she didn't know Ryder was her mate.

But now that she knew he was, and that she knew she'd only ever want to be with Ryder, did it change her outlook?

Kristin realized she always planned on getting married, mostly because she figured she'd marry a human and that was tradition.

Now she was with Ryder who didn't share that tradition, but she did know some wolves actually chose to get married.

"You're not thinking of marriage, are you?" Ryder asked, watching her silent thinking.

Kristin shrugged, "I'm a human. Humans get married."

It was true, for the most part.

"So you want to get married?" he asked confused.

"Not right this second, no," she replied defensively.

But the more she thought about marriage with Ryder, the more she realized she wanted it.

Ryder nodded sarcastically at her reply.

"Okay maybe I thought it would make sense for us," she shrugged it off.

"And why is that?" Ryder asked amused.

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