Chapter 1

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Benjamin Barker.

That was his name. The exceptional Barber on Fleet Street. A beautiful man he was, oh yes indeed. His dark hair slicked back and curling over at the end's slightly, you had always loved when he left it out and wild however, the curls in his hair were something you were always envious about and you teased him about it most days, earning a grin and a kiss in return. Benjamin was pale and tall, he held himself in high regards although he wasn't like the pig's that roamed London these day's. And that was what had always caught your eye, even if he was the one who had spoken to you first upon your first meeting. During his year's mastering the art of barbery, He was known widely for his close shave's and for his beautiful wife (Y/N). He was a kind, simple man who had never done any harm or caused even the slightest amount grief onto a single soul. He was your husband and a charming, devoted one at that. You loved him with everything you had, and once you thought nothing could stand in your way of being together. But, your hope's must've been to high and fate had every intention in proving you wrong.

You were only 18 years of age and Benjamin a year above, you had been married upon arriving to the city of London. Although your parent's had originally expected and wanted you to marry for money no matter the gentleman, be him brutal or kind, you married your sweetheart out of love. But, Benjamin was kind and loyal, he treated you as an equal instead of a wife to step on when things weren't going his way. He kissed you more times then you could count and that was only during a day, he's provided for you, and everyday he never forget's the three words that made you take off with him into the unknown, into a new, vibrant life, I love you.

But, some men have never understood the mere idea of love or loyalty but, had their eye's set on the physical and genital infatuation toward's pretty women in general.

Even if Benjamin had his moment's where he and you of course would enjoy the intense bodily pleasure's of skin against skin in your passionate ways of lovemaking, he never had taken advantage of your body without permission. Or any woman for that matter.

You knew there were men like that in the world but, only the thought of Benjamin had ever crossed your mind when men came to mind. He was the only one who ever truly made you drop to your knee's swooning in admiration or your heart quake in passion as his lips met the palm of your hand as he invaded your clothing in bed.

Benjamin had been courting you since you were 14 years and after his proposal you both had ran away to the city of London in hopes of starting a new life and a new family. You thought everything would be perfect and you'd never have to worry about separation or heartbreak but, that one day....that one day...changed everything, for both of you.

"Benjamin!" You called to your husband with a bright smile on your lip's and you giggled as he turned your way instantly something behind his back a playful smile on his pink lips.

You raised a brow at him putting your hands on your hip's forgetting the object you were going to show your husband, with a curious look even though you had a smile plastered on your face "What are you hiding Mr.Barker?" You asked him teasingly walking towards him slowly, your head cocked to the side.

Benjamin look's up into the clouds acting as if interested in the shapes above "Oh nothing my dear. It's only a mere trinket, nothing of utmost importance" he chuckles before moving swiftly as you dart to his hidden hand and gap as he move's.

He wiggles a finger your way "Nuh uh uh" he scolds playfully a smirk on his face "No peeking" he say's and you pout before crossing your arm's.

"Come on love. I wanna see, if it's not so important why can't your lovely wife see it, aye?" You asked with a raised brow and a smug look before giggling.

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