Chapter 7

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Dedicated to artistic-otaku

You yelp as your shoved against the wall after you hear the faint creaking of the wood disappearing down the hallway behind the door. You whimper in surprise before meeting the eye's of your husband who held the tip of his razor to your bare throat. His eyes blazing with fury and disbelief although hurt reached them as well as his eyebrows knit close together in confusion.

His fingertips slowly begin to turn white from the pressure he holds to the razor "You let him go!" He roared in anger looking you directly in the eye's making you flinch. He presses the blade to your skin making you suck in a breath as the cold metal touches your neck. Your eye's wide in horror having never experienced a moment like this, being so close to visiting the man upstairs and the one who'd take you would be your groom in holy matrimony.

His eyes become clouded over in his rage and you see that nothing seem's to reach him as he grits his teeth grinding them together. Fear seeped into you little by little as he pressed you into the wood of the wall with his upper arm digging into your chest.

"I-i-i'm sorry. B-but, you would've been caught." You whimper out gasping out as his upper arm rises to your neck as the blade in his right hand leans to the side. You feel your eye's begin to burn at the thought of what your husband could do to you. You knew what killing Turpin meant to him, you could see it in his eye's. He didn't have to say anything to explain it to you. He wanted Turpin dead. He needed Turpin dead and writhing in agony at his feet.

And so did you. More then anything. But, you knew Sweeny could be reckless, especially since he was so willing to kill him out in the open of the apartment building. Where anyone could hear his screams and holler's of desperation.

"Please...S-Sweeny please." You gasped out putting your hand to his wrist and forearm trying to tear his lower arm from your neck as the air in your lungs slowly began to leave you.

You couldn't even say his name anymore, his real name. Becuase you knew that that man was gone, they killed him in that place. Whatever they did to him made his a monster, unforgiving and violent.

But, you couldn't bring yourself to turn away from him. He was still your husband, the man you risked everything for, the man who wanted a family at only 19. The man who loved you without a doubt, he still did. You knew that.

But, it was hard. Hard to see sometimes. I mean anyone can kiss you, and hug you, and lift you off your feet but, if you can't say those three words and mean it...then it's not the love that you want. That you've craved all this time. You could see it in Sweeny's eye's, his desperation, the sheer pleasure that spring into his eyes as you smiled up at him, the tiny smile that would light up his charcoal-like eye's as you laughed.

He loved you. You were positive about that. But, he wasn't the same. And you'd have to learn to be ok with that. You just hoped he'd be too.

"Ben...." you croak out, your voice cracking as tears slip through your barriers, staining your cheeks with salty eye water before it drips down onto his razor with an inaudible tink. That's when you break down collapsing to your knee's despite the pressure of the cold blade on your throat.

Just as you lean forward however, the blade is thrown to the other side of the room landing with a rather loud ring as the metal meets the polished wood of your dresser. Your hands come up to cover your eye's as you sob loudly, shaking violently. You hardly register the moment his arm's encircle you and pull you close as you both sink to the floor drowning in each other's sorrow but, comforted by one another's presence.

No words are said. None have to be. His actions said it all. He's changed, and as he holds your body in a vice like grip you can tell maybe the change wasn't as vast as you thought. Maybe this is how Ben had always been but, you were just too blind to see and he had been to naive to release this other side of himself, convinced that there would never be a day that this half of himself would be forced to uphold the duty of protecting while executing.

Sweeney buries his face in the crook of your neck and you can feel the hot tears falling onto your shoulder through the fabric of your gown. You hold onto him as if he'd be taken away, like that day, the day when you were both naive and hopelessly in love with the idea of happiness and family and love itself. It was that day that destroyed you both and it will be this day that will rebuild you like no other.

Your arm's wrap around his neck before you take in a shaky breath causing Sweeney to tense before you lean into the crook of his neck, your hand caressing the back of his neck lovingly running through his jet black hair, grazing his side burns along the way "No matter what happens....Know that I'll love you as you are." You whisper your lips brushing his temple.

With that, your head turn's as you witness your last candle at the other side of the room beginning to flicker as the flames died down. Drowsiness takes over slowly and your body leans into Sweeney's before feeling his arm's take hold of you, lifting you from the ground.

Your eye's close as you sigh with one last look towards the open flame, your eye's drift closed just as the flame dies down and Sweeney walks over to your bed side laying you down with a loving gesture. He sweeps your hair from your face and you feel his lips on your forehead one last time before you can no longer think, hear, or see your beloved.

Until Morning my love, a new day awaits...

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