Chapter 6

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Judge Turpin's POV

I bitterly jaunt through the empty corridor of my beloved's apartment building, I drop a few silver coins in payment for the clerk's silence and he takes them gladly unable to disrespect the Judge's wish.

My nostrils flare in anger and I feel the floor boards creak under my rapid stomping as I try and cool down as I make my way towards her doorway. My eye's narrow in skepticism as I stop at the wooden door before I walk over to the side of the door stopping in front of the rip in the wall paint before pulling it aside slowly.

I had made this tear only a few months ago when she had moved into the building. She had yet to find out especially since there was a small nail sized slit in the wall giving me a perfect view of her at all times.

However as I peek into the small hole in the wall I frown at how dark it seemed in the room before I look around with my one eye through the peek hole. I frown deeply as It remains perfectly still and quiet in the apartment before my eyes widen as I hear her voice although muffled before she giggle's.

I've never heard her produce such a melodic sound and I suddenly want to hear more as I lean into the wall before I hold in a gasp of anger as she comes into view pulling the arm of her suitor.

He was taller then her by a foot or so and I could only make out the pale skin of his as the darkness clouded everything else in the room. The male chuckles down at my little (y/n)'s beauty before he leans down and wraps his arm's around her tiny frame before sweeping her up into a rough kiss.

My jaw tighten's considerably as I hold my tongue desperately trying to see the face of the man who dared to steal my beautiful, future bride. My face flushes angrily as I watch as she runs her hands through his hair and let's him leave kisses along her neck and collarbone as she tilts her head back in bliss.

I wanted to rush in and strangle the man for what he was worth, he obviously didn't know of who she belonged too. And to add to that thought, I could pin point where I've seen this man before. I know of all the people who reside in the town of London and yet I have never seen this man before.

He glides a hand down her back and my gaze hardens as I watch her back arch before she uses the side wall for support as he pulls her corset free and tosses it across the room. As this continues I can no longer hold my anger as I bang on the wall beside me on instinct gritting my teeth angrily.

As they both turn in shock, I curse my stupidity before peeling the wall paint back and making it stick back to the bare wall once more. I hear the knob jiggle before it's opened to reveal the face of my soon to be, she jumps as she see's me making me hold in a smug smirk knowing I have a evident fearful effect on her.

Although my mind still wanders to the way her back arches in pleasure under the man's touch and the way she pulls him down over her as they lay on the bed. My smirk falters as I remember how she has betrayed me for the male who was still in her bedroom. It was a shock no less to know that she had indeed gotten over her husband and had the audacity to be so close to sleeping with another man.

"W-what can I do for you, My lord?" She asked me her voice still as sweet as honey although her hair disheveled as it may be makes me want to run my hands through it before holding it tightly earning a scream from her lips as I take her beneath me.

My lower regions stir making me grow restless before I nod as my eyes bore into her own "Nothing, my little dove. However, I give you an offer you shall not refuse" I say to her giving a smug look my head tilting up as a superior making her look at me hesitantly backing into her dark room.

"But, before we discuss those matters. I would like to have a moment with you...if I may enter your chambers" I suggest with a dark chuckle inching my way into the room to catch a glimpse of the male who I shall make sure sleeps with the rats instead of my dear (y/n).

She however shows a desperate reluctance moving in the way of my entry with a nervous chuckle "Oh dear me. My roommate is a mess. Please come by another time, I'm sure our conversation can wait" she pleaded her eyes shining with concealed terror as her hand goes to the side of her door way.

My playfulness is long gone by now making her pale before I lean down towards her my expression hard and unwavering as she seems to shrink back. "I expect you to be at my estate before the day is out the next morning, my dear" I whisper my hand snaking it's way around her waist before slipping lower.

"I'll do no such thing. I'm not going anywhere with you, 'my lord'." She challenges me before shoving my arm from her person violently and backing away into the safety of her apartment complex.

"I'll own you, one day. You know this my dear pet and the day I do I want you as pure as the day you lost your husband to my law" I whisper not particularly fond of her defiant behavior as my hand connects with her face grabbing it roughly.

She whimpers under my rough grip making me savor the feeling of her submission before my gaze moves into the shadows of her apartment hearing stomping as if someone was making their way towards the door. My grip on her loosens making her fall back before I move to the open doorway, I'm ready to witness the face of her new lover who I shall have beheaded for their crimes against me and my future with my (y/n).

However before the unknown man can reach the door, she gets in the way a and steps into her apartment once more "I bid you goodnight" she states quickly before closing the door in my face.

I gap openly as I stand in the now empty hallway before hearing a few angry tones inside the room but, I'm seething to lull to care as I stomp down the hallway and out the door. My gaze drifts to Mrs.Lovett's seeing the customers flooding into the shop at this unholy hour of the day.

I however shake my head before making my way towards my estate with a anger filled expression as my hands bunch into fists. How dare she defy me! She is below me! She has not been given the privilege of mere disobedience for only God can make me see the right of her ways and I know her ways are not right in my eye's.

If she will not obeyed she'll have to learn by force.

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