Chapter 10

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   You entered the shop with Toby at your side and Antony stepping in timidly. Mrs.Lovett was at her usual station, chopping up dough and entering 'meat' into her bowls of filling.

    "Nellie." You called to the baker, she looked bored and more upset then usual.

    Her head rose and suddenly her eyes widened in surprise as she looked behind you and Toby, "A customer!" She gasped out with with her eyes lighting up, she quickly circled around her table and grabbed Antony by the arm. He immediately tensed before he was pushed down into a seat, "Sit! Sit ya down, sit!" She exclaimed.

     He seemed to shake in confusion and slight fear with wide eye's in the small, wooden booth before straightening in his seat as you let out a small chuckle at his nervousness, you leaned down with your hand placed on Toby's right shoulder. He looked up at you instantly with a toothy smile, you knocked your head with his lightly.

      "Why don't you help out, Mrs.Lovett, for a second, Hun. I need to talk to Mister T." You said before Toby nodded as he pulled away to walk over to Mrs.Lovett, she handed him a basket of white flour thankful for the extra help before directing him towards the back room, with a point of her finger.

   He strode in, lugging the stretching, over filled basket before disappearing around the corner.

    You turned back towards Antony who eyed a meat pie awkwardly as he pushed it's contents around on his plate, you didn't blame him, Nellie's cooking had always been awful. He, however, took a large bite after sticking his fork into the crust. He moaned aloud as his eye's closed as the taste filled his mouth, his mouth seemed to water before he took another larger bite eagerly digging into the pie.

     Mrs.Lovett's pies have been getting much recognition lately and you had always wondered what she used to make her produce with especially since no meat packaging company had ever dropped off a case of meat. It was odd but, you knew Mr.Todd had something to do with it. You didn't want to get to involved however, so you'd ask him some other time when he wasn't as trouble minded.

     You chuckled lightly at Antony before turning to Lovett who had her hands on her hips grinning proudly as the male devoured her creation. She turned towards you with the same grin before it faded to a lol of concern, "Why dearie, you look a little worn. Those dark circles of yours aren't gettin' any better, maybe you should lie down for a while. Mr.T is upstairs if ya need him." She then nodded towards Antony winking, "I'll keep an eye on our little guest."

    You rolled your eye's playfully before walking over the the door mouthing a 'Thank you' before closing the door, before it clicked shut you could hear Lovett saying, "So, how'd you end up with my little (y/n), aye?"

    You sighed as she continued before you decided to ignore it as you climbed the steps, lifting the ends of your dress as you did so. You pondered on whether you should've left Antony alone with Lovett, she could talk anyone's ear off if she wanted too.

    Knocking in the barber's door, you waited patiently as your gaze turned to the grey sky. Sometimes you wondered if you'd be able to see the sun again before the next rainfall, probably not, with all the factories opening up.

    The door opened with a loud squeak making you look down quickly to meet Mr.Todd's dark gaze, his eyes softened however the moment he spotted you. You smiled at him sheepishly, suddenly you were nervous, you didn't even know why you were up here. You hadn't even checked if he was with a client or worse, the judge.

    However, as you glanced behind him you breathed a sigh of relief as you took in the fact he was alone in the room. Before you could say anything however, you felt his hand loop around your forearm before he yanked you inside the room.

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