Chapter 5

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Judge Turpin POV

     My lips curved into what i would only describe as an appealing smile as i felt the corner's of my mouth lift automatically the moment my hand brushed against the woman's waistline, if only slightly. But, it was enough to make her turn curiously in my direction, her head turned to the side in surprise.

   I felt my lower regions ache in desperation as she leaned close to me recognizing my face. My grip on my waistcoat tightened considerably and at the moment I couldn't care less if anyone could witness my current vulnerability. I let out a sigh and a barely suppressed groan as the woman leaned into me her arm coming around to loop itself around my neck as if in a friendly embrace.

   It was far from an embrace however as I felt a shiver run up my spine trying to compose myself as my hand came to rest on her lower back.

   I knew this woman. Not well, although I had used her body as if it was my own more times then I could count. She provided me the service and I willingly accepted despite the times she wasn't as willing as i was.

   Her name...he couldn't exactly recall although he knew it started with the letter 'H' or was it the letter 'F'?

   As her hand went to rest between my legs, I stiffened visibly making her smirk before I took her wrist roughly and dragged her down the street.

  I've never felt so in need, so desperate. The pleasure was a key component of what I craved when having my way with a woman who writhes beneath me. But, what I needed was the moment when I had completely overpowered her. When she could no longer do anything but, sit there and take it. And let me take it.

   My eager demeanour faded as my rapid footsteps towards my residence slowed visibly making my "lover" raise a brow in question. I began to frown as my thoughts drift to the woman I've been pursuing for nearly ten years now.


Even if I've had the unfathomable pleasure to lose myself as she tries to escape my grasp, repeatedly, time after time.

   Somehow it never becomes tiring. Even if she nearly kills me everytime I try to provide the 'unholy perversions of man' and release it onto her beautifully, sculpted body. I crave the anger blazing in her beautiful (e/c) eye's when she screams and grasps in a mix of pleasure and pain when I finally make love to her making her forget all about her decreased husband.

   I may not fully know of the results of Mr.Barker's penal transportation but I did know (Y/N)'s hope's and dream's for her dear husband would diminish just like the very thought of him the moment I take her hand in marriage. And she would bow at my feet ready to do my very bidding.

   As I glance at the pale hand I hold in between my thick fingers, I sigh before letting the woman go with a short glare. Her eye's are wide as if in disbelief but, it shouldn't surprise her for i have denied myself her service many times before.

   I can tell she is getting ready to argue as her expression harden's and she frown's deeply putting her hands on her hips. I don't pay any attention as my mind wanders back to the woman always on my mind.

   The way her hips move as she walks, the sound of her angelic, melodic voice as she speaks, the simple touch as she ran her finger tips along my bare arm, the way her tears ran down the sides of her rosy cheeks as she cried out for me too stop, the pain in her eye's as I gave a harsh slap to her face.

  But, there was one time...that one time...that I couldn't help but feel a certain amount of envy as well as hatred. She had called out to him, I had been trying my hardest to strip the clothing from her already wet skin as she had just stepped out of the tub, only to fail and my mind faltered as she cried out the name of the only man I've ever felt such envy for "Benjamin!" She had sobbed making my freeze in that moment before my hand flew down to strike the soft skin of her cheek. Her head had flew to the side as her body fell to the ground with her head hitting the edge of the table piece below.

  Rage bubbled into my stomach rising as I felt my face heat up in anger and I fought the urge to strike her once more as she grasped for breath as she lay on the ground holding the top of her head, shaking horribly. I turn quickly my eyes wide in horror as I hear footsteps in the hallway outside the dark room. I leave as quickly as I come, sometimes I feel as though I should've checked on her especially since she didn't step out of her apartment for four days after.

   I glare at the woman who's name I had never bothered to remember and I turned my back on her before trudging through the streets if London. She wouldn't dare follow especially due to the fact he could cause her death with the slam of a mallet on a wooden piece in minutes.

   However, She knew the Judge would be back, he always was when he was I need of pleasure or just the feeling of dominance over another human being.

   I make my way down the street hardly taking notice as Beadle Bamford makes his way to his side. Beadle's cane hitting the ground rhythmically every few seconds, whic was usually Impossible for me to miss became almost unapparent to me as my steps slow before faltering once my eyes land on a familiar figure.

   My eye's widen before their filled with recognition and lust fills my gaze. My lower regions are on fire and I feel as if I'll explode if I don't grab ahold of the fine specimen in front of me.

   There she was...

  Her hair flowing in the wind and framing her face perfectly makes me swallow thickly and pant softly, shortly after. She smiles showing her pearly whites and her cheeks are red as a fresh strawberry.

  She walks down the street towards her apartment building across from Mrs.Lovett's meat pie emporium. She has a soft smile on her face with her hand outstretched as if to take something.

   She was beautiful. Oh heavens she was glorious. Her body and even her constant resistance made me dream of things I couldn't wait to make a reality. I'd make her mine.

   But, my thoughts were cut short as my eyes widen and i hear a short gasp of disbelief and outrage from my lackey, Beadle, and I'm sure that he see's what I'm seeing.

  "The nerve..." Beatle begins his head titled high and his nose scrunched in distaste.

   My fingers curl back into my now sweating palms as my eye's catch the moment when her hand becomes linked with another. Her smile widening as the gentleman who has entwined his hand with her own makes his way to her side.

   "How dare this man steal my (y/n) from my grasp" i growl,out in anger as i move forward to try and get a better look at the male holding my dear (y/n) in his arm's.

   However as I tried to cross the busy street of Fleet Street I back up as Beadles cane comes in front of me to stop an approaching carriage from running me down. My view of her and her company is blocked and I sigh angrily before shoving my way through th busy streets only to find the door to the apartment closing with a gentle thump.

   I shoved against the wall of the shop,next to me anger boiling deep down in my core as i fight the rapid feeling coursing through me.


Sweeney Todd X Reader : Love Can KillNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ