Chapter 3

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A familiar heat reaches your face causing you to turn onto your side blocking the sun ray's as you wake for a new day. You sit up slowly with a yawn stretching out your sore limbs before you swing your legs to the side of your bed groggily. As you stand to your feet wobbly, you rub the tiredness from your eye's with the palms of your hands before going to the washroom.

You take a mint leaf in your hand ploppingnit into your mouth before chewing as you disrobe while walking to the shower, you nearly bump into the metallic pole in the bathroom next to the tub and almost trip getting into the tub.

You sit down into the tub already filled with water and you shiver at the cold feeling of it before your eyes snap open as you fully wake up. You shake your head before holding your breath and sinking into the tub for a few seconds. As you sit under the surface, you pull your knee's to your chest questioning if you should stay under or not.

Your lungs begin to burn and you fight the urge to go back up for air as your fingers curl into a fist before you open your eyes a little. Your wondered if he was alive....and if he was, did he remember you? If he did, would he have come back to get you? Was he even still the same man from 10 years ago? You doubted he would be, not only from the mind boggling things he must've went through but, you weren't the same woman either.

You feel your self become drowsy as your grip on your knee's become non existent making you float slowly in the middle of the tub. Your lungs burn and you feel weak . Your husband had with stood so much more then knew he had and you couldn't do anything to stop that. It made you furious with yourself, it made you tremble in anger, as you come up for air.

You gasp for breath with wide eye's sucking in the air greedily, climbing out of the tub and crawling towards the sink trembling as you stand to your feet. Your fingers wrap around the handle to the cup on the edge of the sink before you little sipping the contents before spitting it back out. You feel the grime and remaining mint leaves wash out of your mouth and you sigh panting once more for air leaning over the sink.

You run a hand through your loosened, wet hair with a deep sigh before looking up at the mirror. You notice the dark bags under your eye's as your hair frames your face as usual, you look away from your reflection and shove off the sink walking into your room.

You take the cloth on your bedside as you pass it before drying yourself off as water drips down to the floor. You let out a small puff of air as you inch towards the window to look towards Mrs.Lovett's pie shop. Your surprised to see a line of customers albeit small but, you couldn't imagine how happy she was about the business she was now receiving after so many years.

It brought a small smile to your face thinking about it before your gaze drifts towards the shop right above Mrs.Lovett's. You raise a brow as you see a tall, older male with a expensive seeming coat, you swear you've seen around Judge Turpin's place enter the barber shop.

You glare at the male before turning from the window and putting a hand on the bed post before digging into your drawers and pulling out a dress. You had promised you'd visit Mrs.Lovett's again and you knew Mrs.Lovett was big on keeping promises.

You take the dress you've picked out and drop the towel like cloth before getting dressed, you shake out your messy hair and as you finish dressing up you brush out your hair.

You take the dress you've picked out and drop the towel like cloth before getting dressed, you shake out your messy hair and as you finish dressing up you brush out your hair

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