Chapter 4: Funfairs and texting

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After having breakfast with Magnus, Alec went to check his phone. "Fuck." Magnus looked up. "What is it darling?" He smiled at his guest.

"My parents. I should probably go." The shadowhunter stood up. "See you Friday night." Just as he wanted to go, Magnus grabbed his arm. 

"Huh, what is it?" He confused his guest. "Alexander, you should start sticking up for yourself or I have to do it."

"I'll be alright. Just don't do anything stupid." Alec smiled softly and kissed Magnus on the cheek, before going out. Magnus was worried about his shadowhunter. 

As Alec returned to the Institute his parents were waiting for him. "Where the hell were you?" Maryse looked furious. 

"Out for a walk." He lied and after his parents bought it he moved to his room. Friday was 3 days away and Alec couldn't wait. Just being with the warlock was letting him forget about the bad things that were going on right now.

Magnus sat at his apartment and took a sip of wine. He wanted Alec to admit his feelings for him.  He wanted him to stand up to his parents. But he would wait for him to be ready to do so. Just as Magnus wanted to go to sleep he received a text. It was from Alexander.

It read: 'Hey are you still awake?' Magnus smiled at the text and responded instantly. 'Nope. What are you up to, pretty boy? ;)' He took another sip from his wine as he waited for another text.

'You know I have a name, right?' The warlock could literally saw the other rolling his eyes. Which made him laugh. 'I know. I love your name, Alexander ♥' 

Alec lied on his bed and was looking at his phone. He knew he loved him but he still tried to fight it. But in this moment he was so deeply in love he was just a blushing mess.

'So why are you still  awake darling?' Magnus was kind of worried that his love wouldn't get enough sleep. He really cared for him. 

'I couldn't sleep. Thinking.'  The shadowhunter was thinking about him and Friday. About how he could stand up to his parents.

'Oh ;) Are you thinking about me? ;))' Magnus took another sip of wine.  

'Actually yes. You're one of the things I'm thinking about.'  Alec had to smile at the thought of the other.

'I want to be the only thing you think about ♥ I love texting with you but you should try and sleep. I don't want to worry about your health.' The two kept on texting for a while until Alec got really tired and decided to go to sleep. After knowing his love was asleep the warlock rested, too.

They kept on texting through the time the two didn't see each other. Sometimes Alec would even text Magnus on the 'important' family meetings. Every time his parents would ask who he was texting with all the time the shadowhunter would lie and say it was a business thing or something.

Then finally Friday arrived. Isabelle was always trying to get Alec to wear something that would show off a lot of his skin with the argument that Magnus would enjoy it. But he wasn't really comfortable. So after kicking his sister out of his room he just wore a shirt and a jacket.

Being hyped to see Magnus again Alec hurried outside. He waited for a few minutes until his date arrived. The warlock hugged him. "I missed you." He just felt the other squeezing him tighter. "I missed you too, Magnus." 

Just that gesture. Just knowing that he had missed him, too, made him very happy. "Come on, let us go." He opened a portal and took his hand. They traveled through it.

The two were on a funfair. "I hope you like those things." Magnus grinned at his date. "I'm sure I'll enjoy it as long as I'm with you." He took Magnus' hand and locked their fingers together. Again the warlock was glad. Even if it wasn't an 'I love you' it was a sign of affection.

"How about we ride the Ferris wheel?" Actually, he just thought it was romantic. Alec nodded. As they sat down, the shadowhunter started to cuddle up on Magnus. "You know, Alexander? You're the best view I could have." 

"Magnus?" Alec sat up straight (I mean as straight as he could XD, sorry I had to) and looked the warlock in the eyes. "Yes, my dear?" 

The shadowhunter spoke up again, his voice was really tender. "I thought about this a lot. About us, about my feelings. I've fallen for you. I tried so hard to stop it but I lay awake at night thinking about you. Every time I see you I keep falling deeper in love with you. Everything about you is just beautiful. Your eyes, the way you talk, the way you move, your lips, just you. You showed me sides of me I thought were gone. I've always tried to lock my emotions away but I can't help it. Magnus, I- I love you. I'll love you until the day I die!" 

There were no words to describe how happy Magnus was in this moment. Everything he ever wanted was Alec to say these 3 words. Just hearing him say 'I love you'. Hearing him say all these things took his breath away. Leaving him totally perplex. He could feel tears watering his eyes as he just kissed him. His shadowhunter. His Alexander. His everything.

The two just sit there, on top of the Ferris wheel, kissing each other. "I love you, too Alexander. Hell, do you even know how long I've waited for you to say these word!" Magnus laughed a bit and went in for another kiss. His hands running through Alec's hair. The others hands around his waist, on that bit of bare skin.

They kept on kissing. Alec had to admit Magnus was a really good kisser. He definitely knew what he was doing. 

The shadowhunter could feel every movement of the others hands, their lips which kept on moving and even Magnus exploring Alec's mouth. Soon enough he would find his hands under Magnus shirt, who pulled him closer. 

After a few more kisses he pulled away. "You could have anyone with that face of yours, Alexander." Magnus stroked the others cheek.

"But I only want you." Alec chuckled. "You're so cute." Magnus kissed his hand. 

They bought some cotton candy. The warlock needed to comment that he would find his date way sweeter which just made Alec giggle a bit.

They continued their journey and went to a beach to look at the sunset. The two sat on a  rock cuddling with each other. The shadowhunter gazed at the sun making its way down to the sea. He looked at all the different colors while the other just looked at him. 

Magnus thought the light complimented him. Alec forgot about everything. The war, his parents, he just wanted to stay there forever cuddling with the warlock he loved.

But being as clumsy as always, the 'graceful' shadowhunter fell off and in the middle of the water, leaving the other laughing. "Hey are you okay, Alec?" Magnus stuck his hand out to help his boyfriend up.

Alec grabbed it but he didn't climb out of the water. No, he just tugged him in with him. "You're freaking jerk!" The shadowhunter just started to laugh until he got pushed underwater from the warlock. He just pulled him underwater with himself and kissed him. As they lacked oxygen they came back up.

Alexander just kept on laughing. Even though Magnus just got pulled into the cold water he couldn't help but laugh, too. He just loved seeing his shadowhunter laugh. Especially because if he was with other people he tended to be numb and closed up.

So the two decided to call it a night and Manus teleported his boyfriend home. They shared a short kiss to say goodbye. "When do I get to see you again, Alexander?" Magnus softly smiled at him. "I don't know. Tomorrow? I should probably get in. I'll text you." 

With that said, Alec walked back into the institut and Magnus made his way home.

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