Chapter 14: Roadtrip struggles

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A few weeks had passed and Magnus and Alec got ready to go on their road trip. They put all their stuff in the car and said their goodbyes. It was late in the afternoon when they took off. Shadow passed alongside their car as the sky was tainted red.

The sun was already setting as Magnus noticed that Alec was getting a bit sleepy. "Let me take over for a while darling."

The shadowhunter just shook his head. "Nah I'm fine." He smiled at him.

The other just rolled his eyes. "Alexander stop this car or I will jump out." Without hesitation Alec stopped the vehicle knowing to well what his boyfriend was capable of.

"Okay, fine." He stepped outside letting Magnus take the driver's seat. But just as he wanted to get in again his boyfriend started driving.

The warlock stopped again letting Alec catch up but just as he was about to reach the door he started driving again.

After a while of annoying him Magnus stopped letting his boyfriend get in. "You know I could have just portaled us over there."

Alec smiled a bit. "I know but it's about the journey and to be honest I want you to fully relax. That means you not needing to portal us around."

Magnus was touched by how much the other cared for him and he couldn't help but smile. "You're adorable, Alexander. Now get some sleep."

"But I'm not tired," Alec tried to protest.

"Babe, I now that you barely sleep. Every time your not staying at my place you pull an all nighter and work through the night. That's not good for your health." The other's voice sounded pretty serious.

Alec on the other hand just smiled. "Well, maybe I should come over more often."

Magnus gave him a quick kiss before he concentrated on the road again. "Or you could just have a normal sleeping schedule. Now try to sleep a bit."

The shadowhunter closed his eyes and started to fall asleep as the last sun light faded.

It was quiet as the first stars were visible. Magnus remembered their first date and Alec's love for the stars. His gaze fell upon his sleeping boyfriend who's breath was as calm as the night.

He was and would always be thankful that he was the warlock Alec came to visit that fateful day. Even if they had arguments from time to time Magnus knew that he would never regret dating him.

The highway that they were driving on seemed almost abandoned. There were only a few cars that passed by them from time to time.

It must have been around 1 am as their car broke down. At first Alec didn't wake up since if he's sleeping he's sound asleep. But as he heard Magnus getting out of the car he started to wake up.

"Magnus why did you stop? Are you tired should I drive?" Alec was already outside of the car.

"No. The car broke down." The warlock looked at him a bit embarrassed.

The other then took a deep breath and started to type on his phone. "We are truly lucky. There's a Motel near by. You do have to portal us."

Magnus just looked at the location and portaled them and the car right into the parking lot.

"I'm gonna get us a room."

As they reached their room Alec was barely able to walk out of tiredness. He walked up to their bed and instantly crashed on it. Magnus found this sight to be quite amusing. But as the goid boyfriend he was he put the covers over him.

The warlock himself looked around for a bit until he decided to lay down next to him.

As the first light came in through the window the shadowhunter started to wake up. He sat up and smiled down at his sleeping boyfriend. The motel was pretty rundown and well shitty. But for him it was perfect because he got to be next to the one person he loved which he considered to be perfect.

Alec thought of himself as lucky since most shadowhunters weren't able to be with someone they love but with someone they were promised, too.

His parents wanted him to marry a shadowhunter from any respected family but at least his mother was alright with his current relationship. His father had a different way of seeing things. But Alec was happy to have his mother's approval. She seemed to really like Magnus. In the end she was happy that her son was happy.

The shadowhunter then kissed his boyfriend to wake him up in which he succeeded.

"Morning Alexander.~" Magnus smiled at him and sat up as well.

"Let's look for a dinner or somewhere we can eat breakfast." Alec stood up.

"I could just use my magic to-" Magnus' suggestion was cut short as his boyfriend put his finger against his lips.

"Nope. The only thing you will need your magic for is to refill our car."

Just as the shadowhunter said that Magnus remembered why they were even inside of that Motel. "I certainly will have to do that." He chuckled a bit.

"Then let's go."

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