Chapter 5: Wet shadowhunters and slow dancing

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Alec moved to his room. He really needed to get some dry clothes. On his way, he walked into Jace. 

"Why are you wet?" His parabatai looked at him with confusion. "I um feel into the sea." Alec couldn't control himself. He was too happy and ecstatic. 

All these emotions were inside him. "You're way happier than usual. Did something happen?" Jace grinned at his friend.

He smiled. "Well, I would love to talk to you but I should go get other clothes. I don't want our parents to see me like that." Leaving Jace with that excuse he hurried to his room and got some spare clothing items. 

After he took a quick shower the shadowhunter decided to probably go to sleep. He just wanted to check if he got any texts as his now boyfriend called. "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Of course, Alexander. I just wanted to hear your voice." Magnus sat on his bed. "Well, okay, I guess. But good thing you called. I just wanted to tell you that I have no spare time tomorrow. I'm really sorry but there is just a lot stuff to organize and missions."

The warlock was a bit disappointed but understood it. "Okay, it's no problem. We've got enough time. Oh, by the way, you sound kind of tired. I should better hang up so you can get some rest. Sleep well, my love."

"Yeah, thanks. I hope you have a good night sleep, too." They hung up. Magnus decided to keep on reading a bit and Alec was just laying down on his bed.

The shadowhunter was deeply in love with his warlock. He just stared at the ceiling thinking about him. Alec would do everything to keep Magnus alive. He wouldn't want to see him die.

Slowly he started to fall asleep. The next day was really stressful. They had multiple mission to go on and a lot of paperwork. Alec tried his best to get everything ready.

The only thing cheering him up on that day were Magnus' little texts. He just sent him something like: 'Babe, you put the cute in execute.♥' 

Every time he got a text from his beloved boyfriend his face lit up into a smile. After a while Izzy got curious. "So, big brother. Who are you texting with?"

"Um, business." Alec tried to change the subject but Izzy just snatched his phone out of his hands. "Hey! Give it back. Tha- that's private." 

The sister smiled widely. "Oh my God! Alec when were you going to tell me? You're too cute together."

"Izzy! Shut up!" Her brother got really red and wasn't that happy about Izzy being well Izzy.

"Oh come on. No one here will judge you for it. Am I right?" She looked at Jace, Clary, and Simon.

"Of course, I will love you forever Alec, we're parabatai." Jace smiled as he read the messages.

"I'm happy for you. Now you won't be so miserable all the time." Clary giggled a bit. "I was never miserable."

Simon, who just came to say hello, started fangirling with Isabelle.

"Well, I should do the paperwork now so." He took back his phone and walked to his room.

Outside the rain started to pour. Alec liked the rain. He also liked thunderstorms. It was the time he felt so close to the sky it was as if he could nearly smell it.

But what he loved the most was Magnus. He really wanted to go to him. The shadowhunter would have loved to just cuddle up with the other.

But he still got a lot of work to do.

A few days went by. Magnus was sitting in his living room. After a lot of his customers were annoying he got himself something to drink.

He decided to call it a night and relax a bit. The warlock decided to check his phone and wondered.

Alec hadn't replied to any of his texts. Maybe he was really busy. Even though Magnus respected that his boyfriend had a lot to do, he really missed him.

He called off their date today because they had a lot of shadowhunter things to do.

The shadowhunter was stuck in his brain. He couldn't help but think about him. About how perfect his eyes were. His perfect hair and his beautiful smile. God, how much Magnus loved that smile.

He drank a bit of his cocktail. It was really quiet and peaceful. But all of the sudden someone knocked on his door.

Surprised the warlock stood up and opened the door. In front of him stood his beloved boyfriend.

Alec smiled a bit. "I know I said I didn't have any time to meet. But I really wanted to see you again."

Magnus face lit up into a smile. "Come in. You're always welcome."

The shadowhunter kissed him and walked inside. "I also wanted to ask you something. I would like to introduce you to my parents. Is that okay?" 

The warlock was really confused. "You know they don't like me right? I don't want to risk our relationship. Alexander, I really love you but no."

"Magnus, please. I need to do this and I need your help. I thought you wanted for me to stand up to my parents. I'll need you for that. You don't need to talk I just want you to be by my side. They need to know that this-we won't go away." He took the others hand. "I don't care what they say. I care about you, Magnus."

His boyfriend was really touched by these words. Even though he was still a bit worried, Magnus agreed. "It's getting late. Do you want to stay overnight?" 

Alec just nodded. "If you don't mind." The warlock just kissed him. "Why would I?"

The shadowhunter laughed a bit. "I don't know. Maybe you're expecting someone."

"The only one that matters right now is you." He moved closer to the other and snapped his fingers. Music started playing.

"You know that I can't dance, right?" Alec smiled a bit awkward. "I'll teach you." He took the shadowhunter's hands and put them on his shoulders. "Just follow my lead," Magnus whispered into the other's ears, which send a shiver down the others spin. 

"Just trust me." He started moving following his boyfriend's lead. After a while, the movements seemed natural and he started to relax a bit.

All the sudden Magnus pulled him closer. He started quietly singing the lyrics of the song into his lover's ears. "Wise men say only fools rush in." His voice was so sweet. "But I can't help falling in love with you." 

Even though Alec wasn't the biggest fan of dancing he really enjoyed this. He liked being so close to his boyfriend. Just the atmosphere of the moment, the mood Magnus tried to archive with his magic, everything about that moment was wonderful.  

"I love you." 

"I love you too, Alexander."

The two dance for a while. They continued slow dancing. It got a lot darker and later. As they were drinking a bit, they sat down on Magnus' balcony gazing at the stars.

Little did the warlock know that his boyfriend nearly fell asleep. "We should probably go to sleep. Don't you think, Alexander? After all, we shouldn't be extremely tired when we meet your parents."

"Okay." The shadowhunter stood up and helped the other. They moved to Magnus' bedroom. 

The two cuddled a bit. "Goodnight. Sleep well, darling."

"You, too."

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