Chapter 9: About Past Events and Christmas

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"Do you want to sleep at my place for a bit, Alexander?" Magnus grinned at him and started to fondle his boyfriend's hair.

"Sure." The shadowhunter just smiled and made his way outside with the other. They decided to take a stroll through the park before making their way to Magnus' apartment. Alec remembered the first time they went to the park. It was when they had their "date", which was more of a paying at the beginning. But who could have imagined that it would end in love?

Magnus loved Alec more than everything in the world so he was really glad that their first date went so well. The warlock suggested for them to stop at the bench they sat the last time. So as the two sat down, they were cuddling and laughing a lot.

But while they were sitting there. Alec noticed that his boyfriend didn't look too happy. It was like Magnus was arguing with himself inside his head. Maybe he was considering something.

The shadowhunter took his hand and smiled at him. "Is something wrong? You don't seem content?" 

"No, it's alright. Don't worry about it." With that, the warlock faked a smile and stood up. "Let us go home."

Alec wanted to argue with him but decided to wait until they were home since if it was something bad nobody would like to talk about it in public. 

On their way to the warlocks apartment, they passed a few shops. A lot of them had displayed Christmas decor or such stuff. It was at that moment that Alec realized that they were coming closer to all those holidays like Christmas and new year. He would really enjoy spending these days with his boyfriend. But for now, he had to worry about the other's current state.

As the two arrived back home, Magnus sat down on his couch and offered his shadowhunter something to drink while he poured himself something alcoholic. 

"Can we talk, Magnus?" Alexander put down his jacket.

"What do you want to talk about, my dear?" Even though the high warlock of Brooklyn could have kind of knew it he asked anyway.

"Something is wrong and I'm here for you. I hate seeing you upset so please just share your problems with me." After he asked that question the other just signed and started to tell him about his story.

Magnus shared his childhood with him. He told him about how much his stepfather hated him and how he tried to drown him in a river. Just that alone shocked Alec a lot so he kneeled down before his boyfriend to be closer to him and to be able to look at him. 

He thought about saying something but at the same time, he noticed that the story wasn't finished there so he continued to listen to him.

So the warlock continued. He told his love about how his mother killed herself and tears started to flow down his cheeks. As Alec wanted to say something Magnus stopped him stating that he wasn't done and that after he was done he maybe wouldn't feel pity for him anymore. 

Even though the shadowhunter didn't believe that he stayed quiet just as his boyfriend wished. So Magnus continued his story. He revealed that his stepfather screamed at him and called him an abomination. But the thing that he was most afraid to tell Alec about was how he killed his stepfather.

"I burned him, Alexander, right where he stood." His voice started cracking halfway through. "I never wanted you to see this ugly side of me. My past." Everything he wanted to say kind of ended in a sob. His gaze fell down to the floor.

Alec really hated to see him like this. He placed his hand on his cheek and made him look right at him. "Hey." There was a short moment of silence until he continued. "There is nothing ugly about you." After he said that he pulled him into a hug.

Sometimes a hug means more and fits better than a kiss. This was one of this moments. The shadowhunter knew that his boyfriend just needed something to hold on right now. Something to feel safe. So a hug would be the best.

Normally when Magnus was falling like he did right now people would try to stop him from that or soften the fall.

But not Alec. 

Alec would fall with him. He would just stay with him and hold him really close. Sometimes silence was better than a thousand words so he kept quiet. He wouldn't pity him too much or treat him like a child.

Maybe that was what Magnus loved about him so much. He loved how he was, his beautiful eyes and most of all his smile. Just being held like that and thinking about his love calmed him down a bit.

The two stayed like that for a bit and the time moved on. It got really late already. The two went to bed and tried to get some sleep. Alec would stay awake until his boyfriend was sound asleep. 

Magnus was clinging to alec but after about five minutes of lying on their bed his grip loosened and he fell asleep, allowing Alec to move but he didn't want to. He just wanted to stay with the mess lying next to him. The shadowhunter deeply loved him and cared for him. 

He adored everything about him. Especially his eyes. His real eyes. They were really beautiful in his opinion. Every second they'd be together their bond and love would grow stronger. Even though Alec was really scared to die and to leave Magnus, he'd give everything to keep him safe and stay at his site.

No one could break them up. Not Alec's family nor their fear. 

The shadowhunter was thinking about his boyfriend while he looked at his phone. It reminded him of the holidays that were coming closer. He thought about what he could give him as a prensent.

Smile - MalecDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora