Chapter 10: What do you buy the high warlock of Brooklyn?!

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The sun had shone through the curtains and it woke Alec. He was still lying next to his boyfriend, who was still asleep in his arms.

The shadowhunter smiled at the picture of his beloved warlock who he was happy to be in a relationship with. As he was looking at him at how his hair was shining in the strikes of light. Magnus looked so stunning and unreachable as he slept next to him. But still, he was able to call him his.

Alec couldn't describe how lucky and happy he was to be loved by someone like Magnus. Someone, who was patient enough to keep up with him. A person that he could depend on. The feeling of being loved back by someone was incredible. Just to know that there is someone that cares so much about you. It was great.

While the shadowhunter was overwhelmed by all the things he felt for Magnus. Said Magnus started to move and wake up. He opened his eyes and was greeted with Alec's smile and beautiful eyes, which sparkled like lights when he was around him and his friends.

Even though he was awake he didn't want to stand up he wanted to stay like that for a bit longer. The warlock loved it to be that close to the man that he loved.

The man that changed his view about a lot of things. He used to think that all Lightwoods were really ungrateful and never thank him for anything. But Alec was different. He used to thank him for the littlest of things. Magnus wasn't too fond of Nephilims either. But Alec changed that too. Actually not only Alec. His friends weren't like the rest either.

Magnus thought about his immortality a lot and actually considered to give it up. He had seen everything already and the only thing he wanted was to grow old with someone he loved and he wished for that person to be Alexander. (Little side note I won't include what happened in City of lost souls. We don't talk about that)

"Good morning, Alexander." He smiled at his opponent who was still doing the same.

"Morning, did you sleep well?" The shadowhunter actually stayed away for quite a long time since he wanted to watch over his boyfriend.

"Yes, I did. So do you need to be anywhere?"

Alec didn't really want to leave and would have enjoyed a quiet day with his boyfriend. But he did have work to do and still needed to get Magnus a gift for Christmas.

"Sadly I've got a ton of work to do and a mission that Jace, Clary, Izzy and I need to handle. After that, the four of us need to go to the market to buy some things. But if you want to I can come back afterward?"

"You are always welcome my love. I would feel blessed to have you here, Alexander." Magnus smiled as he sat those words and continued. "Do you want to stay for breakfast?"

Alec smiled and replied with a simple sure. Considering that Izzy always wanted to cook something and wasn't that great at it he was happy to eat at Magnus' place. The two often cooked together and it turned out pretty tasty.

The warlock had also developed the habit of making breakfast for his boyfriend since he usually didn't sleep as long as him. Alec often sleeped that long because he always stayed up way longer working. Sometimes Magnus would have to force him to come to bed. A lot of times when Alec stayed at the Institut for the night he would go without any sleep for days. So Magnus was really happy to leave him to sleep.

But Alec would always notice if the other side of the bed was empty which would wake him up. He really liked to stay at his boyfriend's apartment since he adored the feeling of sleeping next to someone he loved. Every time Magnus would make breakfast for him he would be really grateful but also feel kind of bad.

The shadowhunter always wanted to make breakfast for his boyfriend but he was way too clumsy to do so. It was still better than Izzy's cooking. But to be honest that wasn't too hard.

One time he tried to cook something but nearly set Magnus cat on fire by accident. After that Alec only cooked together with his boyfriend.

So after they ate Alec excused himself to go shopping. That he went to get a Christmas present for his boyfriend was kept to himself.

As he made his way downtown he came across a street market and decided to stop for a second. Maybe they had something that would be right for the high warlock of Brooklyn. Alec had no idea what he should give him. Maybe he should ask some downworlders who were selling exquisite stuff. He wanted to get something that fits the other.

The shadowhunter didn't wear his glamour since he had to interact with the mundanes which were something he still didn't like.

Alec looked around as he was hit with a dozen of different colors and combinations. It was like a kaleidoscope. The market changed any minute just by the moving human beings.

Even though Alec kind of enjoyed the view he couldn't seem to find the right thing. Maybe he should look in Idris or he could ask Catarina for help. Since she was a good friend of Magnus.

Shortly after that he called his sister being totally overwhelmed with the situation. Why did it have to be so hard to find a present for his boyfriend? Izzy told him that he shouldn't worry too much since Magnus would love it no matter what but Alec insisted that the present had to be perfect so he made his way to a downworlder market. 

It sure seemed weird for some of the sellers to see a shadowhunter strolling down there since most of the times if his kind of people needed something they wouldn't waste so much time looking around. 

As Alec looked around he saw a lot of strange things. But who was he to judge, right? He didn't actually want to spend so long there since it made him kind of uncomfortable. The shadowhunter didn't mind to stroll down markets like these with Magnus but when he went alone he couldn't shake off the anxiety building up inside of him.

Finally, he came across the perfect gift and bought it instantly. He put it away at the Institut before he returned to Magnus so the other wouldn't see it. 

As he arrived back at his boyfriend's apartment he used the key which the warlock gave him and went inside being greeted by one of the cats.

Alec liked cats they were nice and cuddly. Chairman meow rubbed against his leg. On his way home Alec had bought some flowers for Magnus. 

Just as he wanted to call out to the other he came around the corner. "Welcome back Alexander." He smiled widely.

"Hey." Alec shortly pecked Magnus' lips and gave him the flowers. The warlock smirked. "Oh, what a pleasant surprise. To what do I owe the honor?"

"To being my boyfriend." The shadowhunter laughed a bit. Magnus loved his laugh. He simply loved to see him happy. It was something special at least he thought so. Isabelle was really happy about her brother's relationship since she had never seen him so happy.

"Well thank you, my dear." He used some magic to put the flowers away and kissed his love. Alec shortly kissed him back.

The two shared a few more tender kisses. They sat down outside and cuddled. Magnus could feel his boyfriend's heartbeat which had increased since it's regular beat. It wasn't as fast as it would be at times of fear but it surely increased.

They sat there for a while as it started to snow which made the shadowhunter smile. Magnus loved that look on his face. The look of happiness. "I love your smile, Alexander." 

Just as Magnus said that he knocked the other out of his thoughts and made him blush a bit. Alec got flustered so easy which the warlock also loved. "Thanks."

After a while, the two went asleep. Shortly after they both got tucked in Magnus fell asleep. He lied next to his boyfriend who fell asleep like half an hour later. 

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