Chapter 7: Hangovers and Rollerskates

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Alec woke up with the worst headache he ever had in his life. He looked around as his eyes met Magnus'.

"Hey, beautiful." He smiled at his boyfriend. While the other was still asleep he played with his hair.

"My head hurts." The shadowhunter complained while burying his head in the other's chest. He stayed like that for a few minutes until he started to look around. Izzy wasn't there. Clary was laying on top of Jace who was on the counter. "Where's my sister?" Alec kind of started to panic and stood up in a hurry. 

Just as he did that he got the feeling that he had to throw up. So he ran to his boyfriend's bathroom not wanting to puke on the carpet. Magnus followed him being worried. He gently rubbed over the other's back trying to comfort him. "I think I found your sister." 

Alec wanted to ask where she was but was too busy with regretting yesterdays bad choices. "She's in my bathtub." Magnus giggled a bit at Izzy who slept safe and sound. After a while, Clary came in feeling a bit dizzy too as she saw Alec hanging over the toilet. 

"Do you have anything for my headache, Magnus? Also, I think Simon threw up over the balcony." She tried her best not to join Alec and Simon. "Oh well, now I know where he is." The warlock smiled and seemed not to be affected by any hangover or whatsoever. "But sure." He simply flicked his fingers and gave her some pills for her problem.

"I will never drink anything you mixed ever again." Alec hissed at Magnus making him chuckle a bit. "That's what you're saying right now."

Clary took the stuff the other handed her. "What even happened last night?" Her eyes wandered over to Izzy who was still asleep. 

Magnus, being the only one who, together with Izzy, remembered anything just replied with a 'you don't want to know and we're banned from Ecuador'. All of the sudden Alec's phone started ringing. He started to grumble a bit but then he just ignored it. 

"You shouldn't just ignore that. What if it's an emergency?" Clary asked a bit concerned. In their line of work, you shouldn't just ignore a call. "Well, in that case, they have to wait. I'm kind of busy throwing up and regretting my life decisions." Magnus wanted to laugh but he knew that his boyfriend would kill him with his ultimate death stare. 

Suddenly they heard a loud noise out of the living room. It sounded like somebody drove a car into there. Which wouldn't have been possible since Magnus didn't live near the ground. Maybe someone drove a demon motorcycle in there but even that would have been highly rare but it's nothing that never happened to the high warlock of Brooklyn.

Izzy woke up to that sound too. She started to complain about why everyone would be so loud. They all moved in the direction of the noise finding out that Jace just fell off the counter and that Simon locked himself out. 

Now the Vampire was banging on the door which woke up Jace who fell off. Alec couldn't help but burst out in laughter. His Parabatai was screaming at Simon for waking him and refused to let him in. Izzy just started filming them stating that this has to be memorized. 

Clary wanted to let Simon in but had to sprint back to the bathroom since drinking Magnus' 'special mixture' wasn't the best idea she had in a while. The warlock just couldn't help but grin at the situation and loved to see Alec laughing like that. 

The shadowhunter enjoyed stuff like that. This one time he nearly died as Clary tripped in a driveway and her nose started bleeding a bit. Of course, if something really bad happened he wouldn't laugh. But if people just acted stupidly he found it very amusing. 

As time passed by a bit they all went home except for Alec who decided to stay a bit longer. "So my dear, what would you like to do?" The warlock smiled at his love. Alec just cuddled up against him and kissed him.

"I don't care as long as it is with you." He lied down his head against him. "Well, then I've got a great idea, Alexander."

The warlock made a portal and they ended up in front of a rollerskating hall. "Rollerskating?" Alec asked being a bit skeptic since he knew how clumsy he was. But like he said as long as he was with him he was sure he would enjoy it.

"Yes, it's a lot of fun. We should also go ice skating together." Magnus smiled and took his boyfriend in with him. The shadowhunter was a bit startled because he had never done this kind of thing before and judging by the other's answer he must've done it a lot. Magnus helped Alec to put on the rollerskates and they went onto the little track thing.

His boyfriend nearly fell as he grabbed the railing. "I think I will just stay here." He chuckled awkwardly as he tried his best to keep his balance. "Oh come one, Alexander, trust me." The warlock took one of his hands and started to roll a bit. 

Alec latched on to the other's hand and slowly loosened from the railing. He started to panic a little but just grasped the hand a little more. All of the sudden he lost his balance knocking him and his boyfriend onto the floor laying kind of on top of him. "S-sorry." Stuttering a bit he tried to apologize. 

Magnus just chuckled a bit and helped his boyfriend up. "No problem just relax and concentrate on me." He grinned and started to move forward again. This time he went a bit faster. Alec again struggled to remain in balance but just concentrated on his boyfriend and it worked kind of. 

But now He was so distracted that he fell because of that. It took him a few more minutes to not fall over every 5 meters and the two started moving smoother.

"I told you it was going to be fun." Magnus smiled at him as his boyfriend started to chuckle a bit. "You know I enjoy this but laying on the ground with you wasn't that bad either."

Just as the warlock heard that he knocked Alec down laying on top of him. "You mean like this?" He sweetly whispered into the other's ear making him blush instantly. The shadowhunter just nodded being unable to speak. He was really surprised. Their lips met and they shared a short kiss.

After that Magnus helped his boyfriend up and they skated for a while. The shadowhunter was really satisfied just spending time with his boyfriend alone. He kind of needed a break from all the war and fighting. They were holding hands and enjoyed their time.

As the day went on Magnus took his love to the Institute and dropped him off. "Until next time, Alexander." He grinned looking at the other and disappeared into the portal.

It was so peaceful but little did they know their next problem was already awaiting them.

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