Chapter 6: Concerts and friendly conversations

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Alec was in the planning of setting up a meeting with his parents. But after discovering that Robert cheated on Maryse, he decided to put that away for a while.

Clary was dating Jace for a bit now and wanted to do something as a big group. So she bought some concert tickets. Isabelle was really excited and literally forced everyone to go. 

Jace's girlfriend also thought it would be a great idea to invite Magnus. Alec wasn't that happy about her idea. He didn't want his sister to embarrass him. But even if it hadn't been too late already spending some time as a group wouldn't be too bad.

At the night they all got ready to go to the concert they met up in the parking lot waiting for Simon. While they waited, Izzy braided Clary's hair, Magnus fixed up some makeup and Alec got drawn on. 

Clary really wanted to put rainbow colors across his nose area. She insisted to do that. Magnus, Jace, and Izzy agreed too. He felt betrayed but accepted his fate. She made a line which started with one of the colors and ended with the last. (Hope you know what I mean ;))

"I'm gonna need you to stand a bit more straight, Alec." She chuckled a bit.

"You know I'm not very good at that Fray." As Magnus heard that he had to laugh a bit. "That's my boyfriend!" He exclaimed in euphoria making Izzy burst out in laughter, too.

They were quite enjoying themselves as Simon's band van drove up to them. "Well, I'm glad Magnus isn't driving." The gay shadowhunter murmured to himself. As they sat down Magnus leaned closer to his boyfriend.

He whispered in his ear. "You know I heard that right?" Alec looked at the warlock. "Yes, you drive like a maniac."

The two shared a short kiss which resulted in Jace yelling at them to get a room. Music was blasting through the van as Magnus summoned some drinks. Izzy gladly accepted one Magnus offered her.

She was absolutely hyped for the concert and her surprise for after that. The sister and the warlock had planned for them to stay the night at Magnus' place. But no one else knew yet.

After a while of driving, Jace and Clary fell asleep. Izzy was directing Simon. In which she made an excellent job.

Magnus and Alexander were cuddling a bit in the back. The whole drive went pretty smoothly.

 As they reached the concert Clary complained that she couldn't see anything. She also insisted that she could sit on Alec's shoulders because he was pretty tall.

So Clary was sitting on the other's shoulders, was satisfied and enjoyed the view. Magnus laughed a bit at Jace for being jealous. The warlock also assured him that his boyfriend would never date a girl.

Izzy was dancing a lot and Simon loved the music the band played. A couple stood next to them and commented about how Alec and Clary would be relationships goals. Just as Izzy heard that she was bursting out in laughter. Magnus just smiled and giggled a bit at how awkward his boyfriend looked and how he tried to explain the situation.

Clary just declared that Alec is gay. Which made the couple kind of uncomfortable that they just assumed the two were together. They apologized and actually got quite along with the group. Their names were Dean and Castiel. Izzy shipped them.

After the group enjoyed the concert and themselves they made their way to Magnus' apartment. Alexander and his boyfriend giggled a lot and quite enjoyed themselves. Jace referred to them as teen girls in love. As a responds his parabatai politely asked him to shut the fuck up.

They arrived at the apartment. Magnus suggested that they could watch a movie. They split up. Jace and Clary were in charge of snacks. Izzy and Simon would pick a good movie. Magnus and Alec would get pillows and blankets. 

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