Stuck With Me

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~Keegan's POV~

This is the day I have been waiting for ever since two weeks ago, my results. About three months ago I got really sick and was bed ridden for a while. The past month I've been vomiting nonstop, and my pupils got really big. My mom thought I was pregnant or doing drugs, but I'm a virgin and eew drugs. My neck would go stiff to wear I couldn't move it and it hurt like hell. I couldn't go outside because my eyes couldn't take the light anymore; it was like my eyes were on fire!! That's when we decided to go in and they took several tests. The doctors just called this morning confirming that the results are in and that we should come as soon as we can

Mom and I were driving to find out what is happening to me. I hope it was just the flu, but wouldn't they know that off the bat and not have to take tests? I mean they would have to test me, but not as much as they did when we went in.

My mom pulls up at the office and we just sit there scared to go in. She looks at me with comfort and puts her hand on my arm stroking it.

"Mom," I say with a shaky voice that I didn't really notice.

"Yes my dear?" she says with the same tone as mine.

"Whatever happens in there you are to tell no one you promise? I don't care if its life or deaths just keep it to you," I say in such a demanding voice.

"But what if it's just that bad?" she asks scared out of her mind.

"Well that means I can't trust you. I'll go in by myself, ok stay here," I say flatly.

I love my mom to death but I can tell this is serious, but I don't want anyone knowing about it at all. And if that means keeping it from my mom then I will. I'm seventeen I can make my own choices, I am not a kid.

So I get out of the car and look at my mom one last time and shut the door. I turn taking a huge breath and start walking to the door. I stop at the door taking another huge breath and walk in. I go up to the desk and wait for the lady to get off the phone which standing here is making me even more nervous.

She puts the phone down and finally speaks

"Yes, how may I help you." how cliché.

"I have an appointment here for result, I am Keegan Summers." I say she looks up with wide eyes at me, her face pales and she gulps. What?!?!

"The doctor will see you right away!" she says urgently, and buzzes the door open. "go straight down the hall into the last door on the left." she says smiling.

"Thank you." I say shaky and even more scared than before.

Oh no, even the front counter lady knows about me which makes it even worse. I walk down the hall slowly savoring the moment. I get to the door and breathe, then I walk in. I see my doctor sitting at her desk doing some paperwork and I shut the door and she looks up and frowns at me.

"Keegan sit down please." she says lowly not even really looking me in the face.

"No I won't, I came all the way here just to find out. I have been sick way to long and I just want to know. Just say it, spit it out right now because I am panicking. What's wrong with me?" I say demandingly.

"Keegan your dying." she says like shes lifting a building off her back. like this is her problem and she feels good finally telling someone I freeze, everything freezes. Did she just say what I think she said?

"D-D-Dy-Dying?" I say my voice cracking.

"You have a brain aneurism and we can't treat it because soon it will burst and you will die. I'm so sorry, I wish we could do more." she say quickly. Oh. My. God. DYING!! I can't be just dying I'm just way to young.

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