Chapter 6

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**** IMPROTANT NOTE- ok I already have the book done ( Except for the last chapter) it just needed to be edited. Since I'm busy alot I think I'm just going to put all of the chapters up and edit them later so the rest of the chapters WILL BE UNEDITED. So if there are lots of mistakes forgive me please.

So comment read vote!!!



Keegan's point of view

I wake up slowly. My mouth is bone dry. I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. I find I'm in a hospital white walls everywhere. I feel a hand on my forehead and I turn and see my mom. Shes looking at me worriedly but doesnt say a word only hands me a cup of water. I sit up and wince as a sharp pain shoots through my head. I take the cup and gulp it down. I look and see three people staring at me. My mom, Emily, and Clay?

"What happend?" I asked, then I remember about my dad and then me fainting. I start to breathe heavily and Emily starts rubbing my arm.

"It's ok Keegan he's changed. He wouldn't hurt you it's fine." she soothes me but I frown.

"You don't know that. You don't know what the alcohol does to him." I say tearing up. Clay grabs my hand and looks me in the eye.

"It's ok we won't let him do anything to you." he say calmly. I start to calm down and breathe right again, I use Clays presence as my rock to keep sane and I look mostly at my mom.

"Have you seen him yet." I ask they all say no.

"He hasn't came home yet. Let's just give it time. " my mom says.

We sit around just talking about random stuff. They said when I fainted I hit my head pretty hard so my mom called an ambulance. When we got to the hospital she called Emily and she got ahold of Clay and they rushed down here.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of them all rushing to come see little old me, but I guess they were all scared. They probably thought I would die, will my sickness that fall could have killed me. Or atleast that's what the doctors say but he also says I'm lucky I'm alive, but I can feel I don't have long left.

Hours later they released me from the hospital. They said I'm fine just a concussion and gave me pain medication. Emily and Clay offered to come and hang out at my house but I refused I wanted to rest.

When we go home me and my mom sat on the couch in silence. We were waiting. For my father to get home and see if he's his old self. At nine pm the door opens and slams shut. We both stiffen and look at each other with worry.

He walks in stumbling, oh god no! Hes drunk! This is when it usually happens, when he hits me. I feel all the old memories of beatings coming back to me and I shiver stepping back. He walks up to my mom and hugs her and starts crying.

I almost feel bad for him, but then he looks at me with so much hated. My eyes go wide and he stands up and slaps me.

"You bitch, this is your fault you're bad luck to me." he yells at me. He punches me in the face and I fall to the ground so he starts kicking me everywhere. I start screaming and my mom trys to pry him away but he slaps her in the face. She stares at him wide eyed and I feel time freeze, but only for a minute.

Never in there time together has he hurt her. He goes to hit her again but I jump up. I wince in pain and fall back down but quickly gain my fathers attention.

"Wait don't, please don't!" I cry. I dont want him to hurt my mother, she doesn't deserve my pain. He looks at me and kicks me again.

"And why shouldn't I?" he asks staring at me with what's that look? The same look like in my bedroom. He's proud of what he's done to me. My scars, my bruises, my scared eyes.

This is it I'm going to tell him. I stand up my body trying to disagree but I stand strong. I look him straight in the eye and sigh.

"Because I'm dieing she doesn't deserve anymore hurt other than losing me." I say and his eyes go wide and his jaw drops open.

"What?!" he screams.

"Yes I'm dieing dad." I say feeling my eyes filling with tears. That's the first time I've called him dad since I was a baby. I dont know why I said it but it just felt so right coming off my tongue. Like if this is the last thing I say to him because im dieing it might as well be me calling him dad. His face softens and he drops to his knees back to his nice self.

"I'm so sorry this is my fault I was wrong I'm bad luck. I've ruined your life and now I've hurt you while your dieing. I have to leave y'all I don't deserve you and your mother." he says tears falling down his face. I

"I love you Keegan." he stands up and turns to my moms and kisses her cheek.

"I love you Katherine." he says to my mom softly. He backs away from us. We wait for him to leave but he stands there smiling at us.

"I'm sorry for all I've done but I'll help you with your misery." he says and in one swift movement he pulls out a gun and a knife he throws the knife in my direction and shoots himself.

Straight through his head blood splatters everywhere. My mom screams and runs to his side. I fall to my knees and lay on my back looking at the ceiling. I lift my hands to my stomach right above my hip sticks out his knife.

He wants to kill me and make me die quicker, to put me out of my misery. But once again I Iet the darkness take me to where I know best.

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