Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

^^ Clays point of view^^ (eeeep)

I get home and go to my room and lay in bed. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Keegan is ok. If anything were to happen to her I wouldnt beable to live. I know I can't help with her dieing but I can help with everything else. When Emily called me -because she got my number off of Facebook - and said Keegan was in the hospital I literay started crying. I know big baby right! The thought of losing her hurts like hell. I sped of to the hospital and stayed there with her till she was released. My mom is at work so I'm good but probably need to make food.

I walk down stairs and go to the kitchen and just get a bowl of cereal. I'm lazy what can I say. I'm standing in the kitchen eating my cereal when my phone starts to ring. I pull it out my pocket and answer without looking who it's is.

"Hello?" I say with my mouth full.

I hear heavy breathing and wheezing and sobing? "Hello?" I ask once again.

"Hello Clay it's Emily." she says in sobs. What's going on? Last time she called she was panicked not crying! I stand up straighter and feel my body tense, it's somthing about Keegan.

"What- what happened!?" I say frantically.

"She's hurt really bad you need to come down to the hospital!" she says barley in words because she's crying.

"What happened?!" I say demandingly.

"First come down here and ill tell you." she says. I drop my bowl of cereal all over the floor and run to the door and to my car. I speed down to the hospital.

"Ok see you there." I say and hang up. This can't be good. I feel the tears coming back. God please let her be ok i pray. I pull up at the hospital and jump out the car once I'm parked. I run inside and see Emily pacing fast. I run up to her and she looks up at me and I gasp her face is puffy from crying and she has blood on her shirt. That better not be Keegans! She starts sobbing again so I hug her.

"He-her dad came home a-and she told him she was dieing. He got all emotional he shot himself a-and h-he-" she cuts off by more sobbing.

He shot himself!

"Well he what? What happened?" I say. Wouldn't he be dead so why are we here? She look up at me with sorrow in her eyes.

" He threw a knife at Keegan. And it hit right above her hip." she says. My eyes go wide and I feel the tears stream down my face. I fall to my knees and put my head in my hands and cry. How could this happen? I dont know if i believe in god anymore because Keegan doesnt deserve a life like this. How could I let this happen? I should have went to check in her or something, and the thought of me not being there to prevent this makes me cry harder.

Emily wraps her arms around me and crys with me. We sit down in the waiting room, and well......we wait.

Then Keegan's mom comes out, me and Emily jump up and run to her. She looks pretty bad because she just lost her husband and hopefully not her daughter. She walks up to us and takes a deep breathe.

"She out of surgery and she's fine. The aneurism is fine and she's healthy." she says I sigh in relief and I'm able to relax. "She asleep from the drugs but will wake up by morning. I think y'all should go home and get some rest." she says calmly

"What no I'm not leaving her." Emily and I say at the same time. Then I see a nurse walk out looking around. Oh god.

"Um is the guardian of Keegan Summers here." asks the woman we all walk up to her eager to hear what she has to say.

"I'm her mother." says Keegan's mom.

"Oh we'll Keegan has woken up." she says smiling. Her mom starts to walk to her room but the nurse stops her. "But she says she only wants to see some guy Clay." she says and my eyes go wide. I smile at the thought of her wanting to see me. Her mom gasps and turns to me.

"Well go on ahead and tell me how she is." she says frowning. She's probably disappointed she only wants to see me.

The nurse starts walking so I follow her. She leads me to a room and opens the door and I walk in. The walls are all white and the tv is on. I walk more into the room and see her little body laying in the bed. She has a hospital gown on and the blankets over her. Her hair is up in a bun and she still looks beautiful.

She looks up at me with her forest green eyes and smiles.

"Hi." she says. Is all she says. I smile and walk up to her curresing her cheek. She leans into my hand and closes her eyes.

"You scared me Keegan." I say feeling my tears come back.

"Don't cry Clay I'm ok just a scratch." she says grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"He deserved to die for what he did to you." I say angrily feeling the tears going down my face. Her eyes widen and she goes to sit up but winces. I help her sit up and she scoots over patting the spot next to her. I sit down and she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Clay he was just troubled it was the alcohols actions not his. I understand you will never forgive him but I have. He killed himself because he thought it would be best for me and my mom." she says softly.

"Yeah but he also tryed to kill you in the process." I say wanting to see him take the bullet myself just for the satisfaction.

"Because he didn't want me to go through anymore pain. Clay if you thought or found out a way to make me better would you do it?" she asks. Yes I would. I would do anything to keep her alive.

"Of course I would Keegan." I say.

"Yes and he thought killing me would put me out of my misery. But hey I'm still here and that's all that matters. I still owe you two, and plus your your shit out of luck you're stuck with me remember." she says smiling. I smile and know what I wanted, I wanted her to love me. But I would wait til the day she dies for her to say that.

"Your mom wants to see you and Emily." I say. She frowns an her face turns to anger.

"She ran to him when he hurt me. She called to police because he was dieing. She got into his ambulance. She doesn't want me she will be happy when I go." she says tears falling down her face. My heart breaks at her tears. I know she's barley holding on because she lost her father, and her mom is all she's got left.

"No Keegan she did that because she knew you would pull through. She knew god isn't that cruel. But she also knew your father was going to die and that she was losing the love of her life." I say softly. Her face turns to understanding and she smiles. She knows her mom is hurting that she is hurt. But she knew it isn't her time to go yet.

"Well I should probably see them. Oh and you should go home. Take a shower and sleep you stink and look like crap." she say laughing hysteraclly but her face turn to pain. I stiffen worried if i move she will hurt more but she just sits there relaxed.

I stand up and kiss her cheek.

"Ok I'll send them up an go shower for my lady." I say smiling and wink at her and she blushes. I love when she blushes. I walk out of the room and down to the waiting room. Emily and Keegan's mom jumps up and rush to me.

"She's fine she's wants to see both of you." I say and smiles cross there faces. "But I'm going to head home and shower an take a nap, orders from Keegan." I say smiling and they laugh. I walk out of the hospital to go home. I kind of don't want to leave. To leave the girl I love so much.

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