Chapter 9

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~Chapter 9~

* Keegan's point of view*

I wake up to find my mom getting ready to leave. Probably to work.

"Hey mom going to work?" I ask. She shakes her head no and sighs.

"Keegan I think its time you come with me to see your father." she says calmly. My breathe catches in my throat. Can I do it? Will I beable to hold myself together? I smile and nod to my mom. It's going to have to happen sooner or later. I smile and get in her car, and we drive towards the cemetery.

We drive in silence. What am I going to say? Hey i forgive you for trying to kill me?

We arrive at the cemetery and both get out. My mom starts walking so I follow, I haven't been here. I haven't had the guts to come see him. She comes to a stop and sets down flowers I didn't notice she had.

"Mom can I have time alone please?" I ask wanting to be alone. She nods and walks back to the car. I walk forward and read the engraving: Klark Summers.

I feel the tears building up and I sigh. I get down on my knees and trace the letters with my fingers.

"Thank you for trying to get better, which you did. You became the best dad a girl could ask for. I don't blame you for drinking. Although you could have stopped yourself sooner you did atleast stop. I understand the alchohal changes you. I know you've been through alot and I'm sorry but I need you to keep an eye on mom. I'll be up there with you soon to help but do your best. She misses you lots but still manages to get along." I feel my words start to crack and I start to cry. "I love you daddy." I whisper.

Without another word I get up and walk to the car. My mom doesn't question my tear stained face, she just drives home. When we get there I go straight to bed and fall asleep.

I wake up feeling odd. Like somthing big is going to happen today. Well somthing big is happening, today is the day I shall ride in a hot air balloon! Haha ok im a dork! But it feels like somthing else is going to happen I wonder what? I get dressed in a pink sundress that has pockets. Gotta love pockets! I put on my gray converse and head downstairs. I walk in the kitchen to find my mom readig a magazine while drinking coffee. I sit next to her and she looks up and smiles.

"Hey baby girl what are you doing today?" she asks taking a drink of her coffee.

"Clay is taking me to ride in a hot air balloon!" I say excited. She gasps and squeals like a teenager.

"He's so sweet! Well I hope you have fun when you leaving?" she asks turning the page of her magazine.

"Any time now he's picking me up." I answer and she I nods. I sigh and grab her hand. She looks up and smiles. "Mom you know I love you, and always will. I want you to remember that when I die, that I'll always be with you." I say calmly. She smiles and a tear runs down her face. She hugs me tightly and I hug her back.

"Yes I know I love you too baby girl. Don't worry you'll be here for awhile I know it." she says smiling. I nod and kiss her cheek. I hear a honk out side and stand up.

"Bye mom I love you." I say feeling sad for some reason.

"I love you to Keegan. Now go have fun." she says. I nod and head out.

^^ Clays point of view^^

I pull up in Keegans drive way nervous as hell. Today I plan on telling her I love her! I think she has the same feelings. I know we havnt been together that long but she doesn't have much time left, and I've fallen in love with her in this short period of time. I also want to take her skydiving that would be fun! Would she like somthing like that?

The passenger door opens and I jump. I didn't even see her come out, but I wasn't really paying attention. She laughs at me because she scared me and I scowl at her. She laughs harder so I start to laugh with her.

"You jumped s-so h-high it was so funny!" she say laughing hysterically. I sigh and pull out of the drive way. It's going to take about 2 hours to where the rides are. I smile thinking to myself that she is going to be so happy.

"So it's going to take a while to get there so take a nap or somthing I don't want you making fun of me." I say pouting. She giggles at me but ignores my suggestion and turns on the radio. She sits back in her seat while singing to herself and I smile knowing I have her and love her.

Two hours later my butt is completely numb and I'm parked in a field where there's a big hot air balloon. Keegan fell asleep so I shake her awake. Her eyes flutter open And she smiles.

"Oh my gosh we're here!" she says squealing. I laugh at her excitment, and get out and walk over to her side and open her door. She frowns and pouts. I look at her questionly. What could be wrong?

"Clay my butt is numb and my legs hurt!" she whines. She is so lazy. But I sigh and pick her up bridal style. She gasps probably not expecting me to carry her. I smile and kick the door shut and walk over to the balloon. There's a man standing there and I walk up to him.

"Um hi im Clay I called in advance for a ride. I would shake your hand but I have my hands full." i say smileing and the man laughs.

"Yeah I remember. It's all ready for you." he says opening the basket looking door. I step in side and so does the man. " are y'all ready?" he asks.

"Yes definitely yes!" says Keegan. He loosens the ropes and we start going higher and higher. I look down a Keegan and she's looking beyond the land in amazement.

"Keegan I love you." I say confidently. She looks at me in surprised but she doesnt doubt my word for a second. I look at her seriously and her face softens.

"I love you too Clay!" she says blushing. She loves me too? Oh my god she does!! I lean down towards her lips and her eyes widen but she leans forward too. Her lips meet mine and I feel tingles going through my body. She smiles against my lips and we kiss for a long time.

We break apart and she blushes at me. She looks back out of the balloon then at me like she's thinking really hard about something.

We look at the scenery for about a half an hour in silence, in peace nothing breaking it. There are mountains in the distance I didn't know were there and I can also see a river. The view is gorgeous but not as beautiful as my girl leaning against my shoulder.

I wrap my arms around her and she leans her weight more on to me, she must be getting tired again.

"Clay I'm sorry." she says suddenly looking up at me, a tear falling down her face.

"For what?" I ask what could she have possibly done wrong? She kisses me again and leans her head against my chest.

"For leaving you." she say calmly. What?

"Leaving your not going anywhere yet." I say confused. She looks up at me her face over flowed with tears and she smiles.

"Damn right your stuck with me and shit out of luck! But I'll always be in your heart ok?" she says her breathing slowing.

"Keegan but you'll be hear longer so tell me that later ok. Not now you're not ready to go." I say panicking. It's going to happen with her in my arms, this can't happen not now.

"I love you Clay and that's all that matters." she says. I turn to the guy behind me frantically we have to go down!

"Can you take this thing down please she's dieing!" I say yelling. The mans eyes widen and frantically starts to lower us. I turn back to Keegan and she looks tired.

"It's ok we've prepared for this I'm ready to go." she says. Her eyes widen and then soften and I reach up cupping her cheek. Her eyes start to close and I shake her.

"Keegan don't you dare leave me. Please don't go!" I scream. I scream till the man puts us on the ground. I get out and drop to my knees. She has stopped breathing and her heart has stoped beating. Shes gone and so is my heart!

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