Chapter 12

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Note- ok I'm so so so so so sorry this is like the most shortest chapter In the world but I wanted it to be short and simple. I want to do a sequel maybe a longer book but about Emily. Hope you enjoy!




Chapter 12

^^ Clays point of view^^

Has your heart ever beated so hard you could feel it everywhere in your body. In you head, in your arms, in your legs, but mostly in your chest. Where its beated so hard you felt like passing out, like falling to the ground and suffocating. Where it took so long to slow down that when it did you couldn't feel it or hear it, that you almost thought you were dead. That's how I feel, every moment, every day, every secound, without her. I feel like a walking dead man that no one sees anymore. Like my heart is gone its faded away, it dissolved in a matter of seconds. I'm dead now and always will be with out her.

I open my eyes and see the sun shining in through the window. I frown wanting to just die right now. But instead I get up get dressed and go to school. I show up and get out of my car an walk in getting sympathetic glares from everyone and swallow hard.

I haven't read my letter yet because I know what it will say. Move on get over me I'm dead and all that shit. But I will never love someone like I loved her. I hear someone calling my name and turn around to see Emily walking up to me with a smile on her face. I try with everything in me to smile back but it just stays a frown.

"Clay guess what," she says. I shrug and she sighs. "Stop this now!" she yells so loud everyone in the hallway stops walking or doing whatever to look at us.

"You're being so selfish! You know damn well she would want you to be happy and meet new people and be yourself! But you're just dragging along like some helpless zombie. Keegan is dead doesn't that mean something to you! That life is short and you need to live it to the fullest," she screams. I stand there shocked not knowing what to do. "I come to school everyday with a smile on my face for not only the other people I love but for me! I try so hard to be your friend to get you to open up but it's helpless. I tryed for Keegan because I know she doesn't want you to be alone but I can't do it if you don't try also," she says tears falling form her eyes. I see Brent her new boyfriend. Come up and start to pull her away but she just screams at me to snap out of it. I stand there wide eyed frozen.

She's right!

About everything I'm selfish. I grab her and hug her and she freezes.

"Thank you," I say and run out. I drive back to my house and jump out of my car run to my room. I open my dresser and pull out the envelope. I open is slowly and pull out the letter.

Dear Clay,

Don't you dare ever get over me! I love you and will always be with you. I want you to stay strong for Emily and my mom. I want you too help your mom and talk to her about those bad days because I never got too. I want you to go on a hot air ballon and scream till all of the air on your body is gone. I want you to cry and laugh and break things. I want you to grow up and have a beautiful dog because you can't marry someone that's not me.

I know I'm selfish for not telling you to move on but I don't want you too. I want to be your only love.

BUT I understand if you do move on. Life is too long to just stay the same. I will never hate you if you marry a gorgous lady and have millions of kids. It will just make me love you more because you're able to make other people happy and discover what your love is like. I want you to always love me and never forget me. But I don't want you to give up because of me.

I want you to love life because you met me and learned to love me. NOT because you lost me.

I love you too much to let you go,


The End.

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