Chapter 4

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~Keegan's POV~

I wake up do my usual morning routine starting with curling my hair, putting on dark gray skinny jeans and a purple shirt and adding some makeup. I then head downstairs to find my mom making breakfast like usual, but I ignore her and grab an apple instead and head to school. Today I'm not early because I am trying to stall having to talk to Clay anytime soon. I get to school and don't see Emily here yet, so I text her and ask where she is.

Then I walk to class where there's alot of people in class already. I notice Clay in the back slouching with his hoodie pulled up so I sit in the empty seat next to him in silence. He glances up at me but doesn't say anything and then my phone vibrates in my pocket and it's Emily saying she's sick today. Darn it.

Class went by so aggravatingly slow and it was really awkward. When class ended I stand up and walk straight out the class without any hesitation. Clay doesn't try and stop me or talk to me at all which I'm glad for, thank god for that. I still need to get the courage up to tell him I'm dying though.

By the time it's lunch I'm sweating like crazy making me think I might go home, but no I can't I have to do this. I walk in the cafeteria and see he's not in there yet so I walk outside to the table beside the tree deciding not to get something to eat because I am not hungry. I see him sitting there drawing, he is so adorable just sitting there and drawing. I walk up and sit down and he doesn't look up just continues to draw. I look at the picture and it's a heart broken and bleeding and it looks amazing!! Wait he's not drawing that because of me is he?

"Hey," I say nonchalantly as if nothing happend.

He looks up and his blue eyes look at me with hurt. "Why?" he asks. I know what he's asking, why I left like that.

"It's complicated and I couldn't handle it making a friend like you and leaving." I say getting sad.

"Where are you going?" he asks. I suck in a breath not knowing what to say. Do I tell him? I mean I just met him and I want to tell him all my problems.

" I'm going somewhere far away and I'm not coming back," I say looking down.

"I'll go with you, when we graduate we will both go." he states. My jaw drops open and my eyes go wide.

"W-what?" I say. He just met me and he's willing to go away with me? Well even though I'm not necessarily going away I'm dying.

"You heard me! You are the only person who's showed an interest in me and thats got to mean something, right? I mean of all people it was you and like you said I'm shit out of luck I'm stuck with you." he says smiling. Awe he's so sweet, but WHAT?! What is he going to do when he finds out hell is where I'm going to? Yes hell because I'm robbing this poor boy of friendship.

"You can't go with me and noticing an amazingly hot geek doesn't really mean much." I say. Hurt crosses his face but changes with anger.

"If you don't want to be my friend fine then just say so!! Is this a game to mess with my feelings!" he shouts at me. Oh my god, why would he think that because he doesnt know your dying, says the voice in my head.

"No it's nothing like that, I'm saving you from wanting to be my friend! You shouldn't want anything to do with me and feelings? We just met Clay what feelings?" I shout now angry with myself. He has the audacity to call me out and I'm dying. I know it's no excuse but I'm helping him!

Except he doesn't know your dying remember the voice in my head rings.

Ugh she's right he doesn't.

"Why shouldn't I? You are amazing and I've known you for a day and in that day I've met a person I don't want to lose!" he shouts, ugh this is getting us nowhere I have to tell him.

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