Chapter 10

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}Chapter 10{

• Emily's point of view •

I walk to Keegan's house that's empty without a Keegan. I knock and her mom answers the door. I smile and hug her tightly.

It's been hard on all of us since Keegan died. The aneurism burst and she died. We all thought she would last the rest of the year but no the world was to cruel. She didn't even get to graduate. We all went to her funeral and a whole bunch of people showed up. People that didn't even care about her! They didnt deserve to be there we didn't need there pity! It's been 2 weeks since the funeral and keegans mom, Clay, and I are going to clean out her room.

I'm scared to go in there though. I know I will cry. I've been crying since I found out she was dieing.

I walk into her bedroom and find Clay already packing boxes. I smile at him and he hugs me knowing this is hard for all of us. We start to clean and we've packed almost everything. Keegan's mom want to put all of her things in storage.

We all sit down to rest and look at the empty room. I lay on the floor thinking of all the sleep overs we've had in this room. I turn and see somthing under her bed. I crawl over to her bed and reach under it and grab the objects. I pull it out and find letters. I read the back and see names. In her handwriting reads: Emily, Mom, and Clay. Each one made for us specifically.

"What's that?" Clay asks. I hand out there letters and they both gasp. I hold mine to my chest knowing this is the last thing I will have that she has said. I stand up without a word and run out of her room to my car. I drive home wanting to read in peace.

I get home and go to my room and open the letter quickly. In her neat handwriting I find a letter of her last words to me. It reads:

Dear Emily,

I love you. You are the best friend an girl could ask for. You never let someone tell you that you ugly or mean or other rude things. You are amazing and I look up to your confidence. All my life I've wanted to be like you popular, brave, noticed. But I was always known as the hot girls best friend. Which is the best thing to be known for. To be known as you best friend.

I'm sorry I had to leave you but I know you'll get through it like the tough girl you are. I finished the hunger games serious and expect you to too! I'll say hi to you father for you and tell him how much of a good person you are! You should talk to your mom about your step dad you deserve the best. He really shouldn't treat you the way he does. If he ever call you a bad name I will haunt him!!

I want you to find somone like Clay and get married and have a million children. But you HAVE TO name one of them Keegan. I don't want you being around just any guy because not just any guy is worthy of you. You deserve the best guy who treats you right and with respect. And loves you for you!

Feel free to have any thing of mine that you want. It's not like I can use it. Haha......... Ok that was a bad joke. Haha. I love you and will always be with you. Cuz Girl you don't need make up, or pushup bras, or highlights, to make you look gorgeous. You're beautiful in and out.



I break out in sobs. I start to pray to god. You better take good care of her. I love her so much and miss her so tell her that! I'll make it through though! I will never give up just like Keegan would want me too.

I start crying again so I lay down and cry myself to sleep.

I wake up the next morning knowing I have to go to school. I can't just mope around. I have to be tough. I get out of bed and put on a regular pair of pants and one of Keegans old shirts she left at my house. I'm no longer going to be the school slut. I will live life to the fullest!!

I walk down stairs and walk out the door. My mom and step dad are on a road trip that I didn't want to go on, so my mom didn't make me. I drive to School and park and walk straight to class. I sit down and put my head down. Clay won't be here today because he was to upset about his letter. I wonder what it said?

I lay there and suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see Evan Drews staring back at me. I've never talked to him before. He's the hottest guy at this school! He sits beside me and smiles sadly.

"Hey I'm sorry about your friend." he say sadly. I smile weakly.

"Yeah thanks in miss her. Didn't you like her or somthing?" I ask remembering the time he asked me about her. He frowns and stares and me with clouded eyes.

"No I was actually trying to get close to you." he say sheepishly and blushes. I gasp is he serious? "Before you ask yes I'm serious. I've actually had a crush on you since the 6th grade!" he says laughing. I blush and my eyes widen. That's a long time thats almost 6 years.

"Oh that's u-um nice?" I say blushing further that I just stuttered. Oh my gosh I'm totally making a fool of myself! He smiles at me and laughs a my nervousness.

"Well would you like to go out with me this weekend?" he asks biting his lip. I smile and nod not trusting my voice and he mumbles a yes to himself an I laugh. He blushes realizing I heard him. He stands up to leave because he doesn't have class with me. "Well I'll pick you up saturday at 8 o'clock." he states and walks out.

Oh god I can't beleive that just happened. I look out the window and stare at the sky. Love you Keegan I just got a date with the hottest guy in school!

The bell rings and my day begins and finally my mind is not on Keegan but on Evan.

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