Chapter 11

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% Chapter 11 %

+Keegan's moms point of view+

Emily runs out like she was being chased by a lion. I look over to Clay who is staring at his letter in shock. I stand up and pat him on the shoulder.

"You can go home now thanks for the help." I say smiling. He should read the letter on his own. Well that and I want to read mine on my own. He looks up and smiles sadly at me. That's how everyone smiles at me, because now I'm on my own. But I still have Emily she's like my second child. He stands up and hugs me.

"Your welcome. Have a good day Mrs. Summers." he says politely and leaves. He's such a nice boy, I'm glad Keegan met him and fell in love with him. He comes over alot to help with yard work and with things around the house. I usually tell him old kid stories about Keegan.

Emily stays here alot in the guest room. She doesn't like staying at her house alone. I like having her around it's like having Keegan around. Its been hard on me. I miss my husband terribly. But now I've lost Keegan.

I wipe the tears that are now falling down my face and open her letter. It reads:

Dear mommy,

I hope you're ok. By the time you find this letter I'll be gone. I want you to stay happy for me and watch over Emily. She deserves a mom like you. I'll tell dad you said hi from heaven. I love you and miss you already. But you better not give up. I'm sorry we could fix my sickness but you still need to live. You still have a purpose. You are an amazing person and I want you to rub off on Emily. She doesn't get that kind of love at home.

I want most of my pictures and CDs and scrapbooks to go to Emily. Make sure she goes through all my clothes and sees if she want anything. When that is done donate everything to the homeless or somthing. If you see anything you would like to keep then you can have it. You are and will always be the best mom ever. You will always be my mom, and I'm your baby girl. No matter what.



I start to sob. She is so kind and amazing. I love you too Keegan I pray. I put the letter in my bedside drawer and walk out to the kitchen. Then the doorbell rings, I walk over and open it. There stands a lady obviously younger than me. She has dark blue eyes and red hair. She smiles weekly at me and says nothing just stands there.

"Hi I'm kathrine," I say holding out my hand for her to shake it. She takes my hand and shakes it.

"Im Brooklyn. I hate to come to you out of the blue but I heard you recently lost your husband, and your daughter. I feel awful coming to you with news like this but I need a bit of help. I have no right to ask for your help but I'm desperate and hoping you have a kind heart," she says desperately. I stare at her with confusion. Why would she come to me?

"Not to be rude but do I know you?" I ask shamefully.

"No that's just it. You see I knew your husband," she say hesitantly. "Well I swear I didn't know he was married," she bursts out quickly. My mind goes into overdrive, this can't be happening.

"Your husband slept with me," she says slowly. My heart stops and breaks into pieces. He cheated on me he was never the man to cheat on me.

"W-what," I say my mouth trembling. She breaths in and out slowly. I want to die I want the world to swallow me up and burn me.

"I'm sorry I didn't know. I met him in a bar and it sort of happened. All it was meant to be was a one night stand, but then I got pregnant," she says. I gasp and almost faint. Why didn't he tell me.

"Why are you here telling me this?" I ask is this some sick joke.

"Well i found him and told him I was pregnant and said I couldn't support a child so I wouldn't be able to have it. But he refused and said he would pay me money to support it. It was nothing more than money just checks in the mail to help me. But now he's dead and I can't raise my child on my shitty salary," she explains. She needs money?

"When was this?" I ask actually scared to here the answer.

"Seventeen years ago," she say. I suck in my breath, that was when I was pregnant with Keegan. How could he do that to me!!

"That was when I was pregnant." I say. Her eyes turn to sorrow and sadness.

"I'm sorry I didn't know. I'm so sorry I shouldn't have come!" she say starting to walk away.

"No wait I'll help you he deceived both of us there's nothing to be sorry about." I say she turns back and she has tears in her eyes.

"Oh thank you so much yes. I love my son and he deserves the best," she says tears spilling out. I pull her into a hug and let her cry.

"Son? That would mean he was Keegan's age can I meet him. I mean if it's ok with you?" I plead. Maybe he knew Keegan.

" Of course you can meet him. His name is Evan, Evan Drews,"She says smiling. I smile back happy to have somone there for me. I start crying. I can't believe he cheated on me! Brooklyn hugs me and rubs my back.

"Thank you for coming of course I'll help you." isay smiling.

This is my new beginning.

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