Chapter 3

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~Keegan's POV~

I run up to my room hoping he won't notice I'm home or that he'll come up to see me. I hear the front door open, my mom and his whispered conversation growing steadily louder as they came up the stairs towards my room.

Damn it! Mom told him. My bedroom door opens and a man's head peaks through revealing dark brown hair and hazel eyes that match mine, or should I say that mine match his. He's tall and thin, but not to the point of showing bone. Without invitation, he walks in and sits next to me on my bed and I tense up. He notices but he scoots closer anyway.

"Hey Keegan how are you today? Your mother told me you were sick so you came home early. Is it the flu again?" he asks like he cares, but how can a man like that care?

"Um, yeah I think it is, hopefully just for twenty-four hours this time though... but I should really get some rest. Do you mind shutting the door on your way out?" I say pointing to the door. I see hurt cross his face but I ignore it. I know he's my dad, but I also know that he's the one who beat me.

"Oh yes, you probably should, but if you need anything just ask. Maybe we can go shopping when you get better. You know daughter-daddy bonding," he says smiling while getting up. He bends forward as if to give me a hug and then jerks back before walking away.

"I love you Keegan," he says tenderly looking at my scar and I see something in his eyes, but I don't know what.

These are the times that I feel bad for being angry at him so much. I know he's trying really hard to get his little girl back, but she's gone and is never going to come back. "Ok," I reply because I don't know what else to say. I don't love my father beche's horrible, well was. Then he walks out shutting the door. My phone started to vibrate

"Hello?" I asked answering it.

"Oh hey Keegan, it's your doctor, Doctor Smith. I called because I have medication for you to pick up to help with the symptoms you will experience," she says, I breathe a sigh of relief one less thing I have to worry about.

"Ok thanks, I'll pick it up in the morning before school," I say smiling to myself.

"Ok bye," she says and hangs up.

I sit there for a few not knowing what to do. So I lie down in my bed and decide to sleep.

I wake up noticing its 10:00 at night, I slept for 10 whole hours!!!! Wow, I must have been tired, wow! I just get up and decide to check my Facebook. I log on and see I have a friend request, and it's from Evan Drew's!! He's like the hottest guy in school, why is he adding me? I have never talked to him in my life just admired him from a distance, so I hit confirm of course and logged off. Then texted Emily that I told my mom and that I'd see her tomorrow, then went back to sleep.

I woke up the next morning hoping today will go well. I take a shower and curl my hair and then I put on dark blue skinny jeans and a gray shirt, and put on my makeup. I run downstairs straight to the door and outside. I pick up my medication and I drive to school early. There's nobody out front of the school so I go straight to my locker. I walk slowly to first period and sit down in the back. I wait 10 minutes and people start to show up just not in class, but then some tall boy who is pretty well built walks in and sits beside me. He has brown hair that covers his eyes.

We just sit there in silence. Then he turns to me and completely checks me out, just looks me up and down.

"Are you done yet because your making me uncomfortable," I say flatly, I mean who does that?

He just smiles a cocky smile and winks at me and I roll my eyes. His eyes are a blue like ocean blue, but the see through kind of water.

"I haven't seen you before," he says still smiling that same smile. You have no idea how much I want to slap that smile off his face.

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