Chapter 2

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Keegan's point of view

I drove to Emily's house thinking of what I should say to her, what could possibly make it all better. I pull up in her driveway knowing she heard me and probably standing right by the door waiting for me to knock. Her hearing is like a hound dog when it comes to things like this, crazy I know. I get out of the car walking up to the house and knock. Then Emily answers the door looking like a total wreck, face all puffy from crying and she is just in shorts and her bra, but all I could do was break down and cry. So when I start to cry she starts to cry and so I we both hug each other and we both cry. I know how cliché but put yourself in our shoes and you would totally understand.

She lets go and looks at me with her tear stained face and I see the sadness in her eyes. I see the pain I put her through yesterday when I said those things to her.

"Why did you do that to me? Is that what you really think of me because you know how much I go through? You know exactly what I have to deal with each day," she says her voice breaking, but she's right her life sucks.

Her mom is a total hippie freak while growing up and her dad died two years ago. Then her mom met someone new and got remarried in less than a year. Her stepdad is a total douche to her not even caring one bit about her. Remembering all that just makes me feel even worse than ever before.

"I'm so so so so so so sorry Emily and that's not what I think of you. You're amazing and talented and anyone one would kill to be your friend, to be with you." I say honestly.

"Then why did you say those things to me if you didn't mean them?" she says completely confused and still hurt a little.

"Because I wanted you to hate me," I say looking at my feet and notice that she gives me a flat look.

"Why in the hell would you want me to hate you? You're like my best friend ever and I would never hate you," she says like I'm stupid.

"I thought it would make it easier but I need to tell someone before I burst," I say getting almost relived I have someone to go to, but I don't know how she will take it. She might die from a heart attack, I know bad joke.

"Oh no, your not pregnant with Cole's kid are you. You know I've liked him forever, since like seventh grade. I just can't believe you would go that far!" she says shocked. What Cole, who? Oh, eww he's not even cute.

"What?!? Noooo! It something else and wow that was very to the point. Coles kid, wow thank god that's not true because he is totally not even cute" I say looking at my feet again.

"Oh, well then what is it can't be that bad can it?" she says like it meant nothing anymore, laughing a bit.

"Emily, I'm dying." I say fast looking at her reaction. Her face paled and she fell to her knees breathing heavily. Oh my god, she's freaking out.

"No no no no no no I already lost daddy I can't lose you too. Keegan, your all I've got anymore to rely on. Please don't leave me by myself, all alone with them," she begs crying now gesturing to the inside talking about her mom and stepdad. Why did I do that?!?!? I didn't even think about her dad, this would be the second person she's lost that she loves a lot.

"Emily don't cry, I'm so sorry about all this, but I can't stop this. The doctor said I have till the end of the year, but that it could happen anytime. We can do anything you want; go to Paris, skydiving, anything, just please don't give up. Live a great life for me and you're the only one that knows by the way." I say guilty. Then she stands up so we are the same height, well she's a bit taller than me.

"What, you haven't told your mom any of this?! That's just cruel Keegan, she's going to lose her daughter and you haven't told her anything to prepare her. Oh, and bye FYI I wouldn't kill myself, wouldn't stoop that low. We should do something you want to do since you won't live that long. Ooh, do you have a Bucket list written? We should do one of those and fulfill all your dreams," she says getting all giddy all of a sudden. Of course leave it to her to find something happy about all of this, I love her!

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