Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

~ Keegan point of view~

I wake up in my room actually happy to go to school. I got out of the hospital about a month ago, but still have a wicked scar. My stomach doesn't hurt anymore, but Clay treats me like glass. Emily on the other hand seems to think I'm a pro wrestler.

My mom is fine she's getting over my fathers death, she was out of it for a few weeks but shes back to her usual self.

Me I'm happy. I have the best boyfriend and bestfriend, and mom. I miss my dad but I feel like I've had a burden lifted off my shoulder. I've been arguing with my mom lately saying whats the point in going to school if I can't finish. Well I'll finish this year just not next year. She said then I don't have to go next year I just have to finish this year. I feel awful for my mother. She just lost her husband and now she's losing me. No one talks about me dieing though, we just act like nothing wrong. Which I'm glad of but I don't want then forgetting I AM dieing.

I still have 8 months left. I mean I am beyond scared of dieing, but I feel accomplished. Athough I haven't done anything I've wanted to do yet, I feel like I've made life better.

I decided to write letters to the ones I love before I die. I stuck them under my bed so when they clean out my room they will find them. I've wrote each one with all my heart. What I want to happen after I leave.

I get dressed and go down stairs for breakfast. I walk in the kitchen to find no breakfast. I frown and pout to myself. I love breakfast. I see a note on the counter and pick it up.

It reads: Went to visit your father. Be home later. Love, mom.

I smile and just walk outside to wait for Emily. My mom visits my dads grave every month. She write in a diary of what happens everyday so she can read it to him.

Emily pulls up and I get in her car.

"Hey Keegan how's it going?" she asks. I smile and laugh.

"Well besides the fact I got no breakfast I'm fine." I say. She frowns and keeps her eyes on the road.

"Why not?" she asks.

"Mom went to see dad." I say and she nods in understanding.

For the past month me Emily and Clay have been hanging out every weekend doing somthing different. Like bowling, skating, or going to the beach. They want me to do everything I can do before I leave.

We all know I can die at any moment but we doubt that would happen, or we just try and deny it.

We get to school and go to our lockers. I go straight to class to see Clay. He's sitting in the back silently reading some book. I walk up and sit next to him, and he looks up and smiles.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey. Did you decide?" he asks. Oh not this again. Hes been asking what is the one thing I want to do before I die? I know what it is i want to do, after weeks of thinking I know.

"Yeah, I want to ride in a hot air balloon." I say smiling. I've always wanted to. Like the ones in movies and pictures. He smiles at me and laughs.

"Done I'm going to make it happen." he says seriously. I know he will.

I smile and then the bell rings. Everyone files in and the teacher begins, whic means my day of hell begins.

When the day is over I go home and see my mom. I smile and hug her then head to my room. I lay down on my bed and read.

I want to read one series before I die. I'm on the last book of the series. Me and Emily are reading it together its the Hunger Games series. Its our goal to finish it together. She's probably still on book one. She was never a reader, she gets bored easily.

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