8. Gifts

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"You're going to be fine. You look so beautiful Isabella." Sarah said with a smile as she smoothed out my curled hair. I smiled back and whispered a 'thank you.' Then her face got serious again. I raised my eyebrows in a questioning glance. "Look, I know you were planning on wearing the pink dress, but um.. Ollie and I thought of how amazing and wonderful you are and we just felt that we should get you something and-"

Sarah got cut off by a large bang. We whipped our heads around and saw that the door had been pushed open. Olivia stood there with a massive black box in her hands and a huge smile on her lips. "What Sarah's trying to say, is that we got you something, and we hope you love it and decide to wear it today!" Olivia all but squealed, shoving the box in my hands.

I moved over to my bed and sat down with the box on my lap. I untied the red ribbon and slowly opened the box. My jaw dropped when I saw the upper part of a rose gold dress. There was a note placed right in the center.

/ Isabella, You've become such a wonderful friend to all of us in the past week and a half that you've been here. We thought of what the perfect gift would be for you, and decided that what's better than a gorgeous new dress for our gorgeous Luna and friend! Hope you like it. We all love you, just as the pack will too!
Don't worry sweetie, we've all got your back!
                    ~Your bestest friends,
          Ollie, Sarah, Derek, and Damon /

Before I realised it, or managed to control it, my eyes started getting water. "Hey hey, no crying, we don't want you to look like a raccoon for your introduction to a wolf pack!" Olivia said with a laugh at the end. Sarah giggled with a shake of her head making me giggle too.

"Sorry, it's just I'm so grateful to have friends like you guys. You make me feel so welcome here.. it.. it doesn't really give me the chance to miss home." I said, fanning my face to prevent my tears from falling and giving Olivia a heart attack.

Sarah walked over and put her palm on my jaw. "You're an amazing friend to us too. Now come on, you don't want to be late to your own introduction!" She laughed as she took the box from my lap and pulled me up. "You don't have to wear it if you don't like it." Sarah said looking at me with a kind smile.

"No, are you kidding, of course I'm going to wear it. It's beautiful!" I pulled the dress out of the box and couldn't help but gasp at it's beauty. It was a rose gold, knee length dress with lace and some gold detailing. I jumped on Olivia and Sarah and gave them a bone crushing hug. "I love it I love it I love it and I love you guys so much. Thank you so so much, it's so pretty!" The girls laughed as I pulled away and ran to the bathroom to get changed.

As I walked out of the bathroom, both their jaws dropped. I stared into the mirror and smiled at the reflection. I could see a woman with softly curled black hair wearing the most gorgeous dress ever made. I turned back towards Olivia and Sarah and smiled wide. Just then, someone knocked softly on the bedroom door.

"Hey, it's Derek and Damon, is it okay if we come in?" I smiled and yelled out a 'come in.' The two walked in and their jaws dropped as they took me in. "We come bearing gifts" Derek yelled out marching into the room. I shook my head and giggled softly.

"You look so beautiful Isabella." Damon said, smiling at me. I smiled back with a grateful nod.

"We got you something." Derek said, clearing his throat. I gasped, a frown forming on my face.

"Hey! Isn't this gorgeous dress enough? Thank you by the way, I love it so much. But still!" I squeaked out with a playfully angry frown.

"You're always welcome, but no, it's not enough. A beautiful woman needs a beautiful dress paired with some beautiful accessories." Derek replied stepped closer to me with a box in his hand. A box that I somehow didn't notice with him when he entered. "Hope you like it. We'll see you downstairs in a while." Derek said, handing me the box before retreating back outside the door. Damon smiled before walking out and closing the door.

I opened the box and smiled at the beautiful rose gold, diamond jewellery set in the box. Carefully, I slipped on the earrings and the necklace before turning to ask the girls how I look.

"You look stunning." I shrieked as I heard a male voice whisper a reply. A smile lit up my face when I noticed Vincent standing at the door with a smile on his face. I didn't even notice Olivia and Sarah sneak out of the room with smiles on their faces.

"Thank you." I murmured, looking straight into Vincent's silver eyes. He smiled and stepped inside, closing the door. He was wearing a black shirt tucked into black pants. Wearing formal wasn't necessary for everyone, but usually the Alpha and future Luna dress up. Creates a good impression. And boy did Vincent look good.

"I got you something." Vincent said, slipping his hand into his pocket.

"Oh come on! You lot are just using today as an excuse to spoil me!" I whined, gesturing at the dress and necklace. Vincent chuckled before giving me a serious look.

"Maybe." He said before laughing again. I giggled and shook my head before straightening up. He pulled out a small black organza pouch from his pocket as he stepped closer. Slowly, he took my hand in his and put the pouch on it before closing my fingers around it. He leaned in, the proximity making me close my eyes. Pushing a curl behind me ear, he moved impossibly close. So close that I could feel his warm breath against my ear. "Your beauty is one that even makes the moon burn in envy. Never forget that Bella." Before I could even react, I felt a slight gust of wind, and as I opened my eyes, he was gone.

I smiled, my heart very happy at the moment, before looking down at the pouch. I pulled the strings and opened the pouch, flipping it over. A simple, rose gold chain bracelet with an infinity popped out. Carefully, I slipped it on and smiled. Oh Vincent.


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