25. Justice Served

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We arrived at the gates of the Blue Moon pack. I looked up to see the guard bowing at someone in the car in front of us. Most probably at Viktor. The guard then looked up and raised a hand in our direction, before nodding and gesturing something to another guard. Within seconds, the gates started opening with bang. My heartbeat increased tenfold. My palms started getting all sweaty. Vincent's hand came back to hold mine.

I felt another hand on my shoulder, and based on the small size of it, I have a feeling that it's Adira. I looked back and shot her a smile. She smiled back, letting her hand give my shoulder a light squeeze, before she dropped it altogether. I turned back around in time to feel the car stop.

Before I could help it, I felt the tears fill my eyes. What did I give my permission to! Did I just willingly hand my father like he was a chicken over to his butcher! I was so lost in thought, I didn't realize when Vincent got out of the car, and when he opened my door. "Bella." I looked at him carefully and saw how tired he truly looks. He held his hand out, and in turn, I slipped mine in his. As we got out of the car, I saw that everyone had left their cars too.

A small figure knocked into me, sobbing. "Isabella, don't let them do this! Please! They are our parents. Isabellaaaa!" I stayed frozen in my place as Elizabeth starting hugging me sobbing loudly.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of boots touching the paved floor, and turned to face the sound. There, I saw a man followed by six other men. The man in the middle was tall man, with blonde hair and striking green eyes, walking towards us with a huge smile on his face. "Well hello there. It's a pleasure to meet you all. Although, I would much rather be cooking or reading my book. Not like you all needed to know that. Anywhooo, my name is Hugh."

The man, Hugh said with a thick Italian accent. This man was way too cheerful considering the circumstances. I slowly pushed Elizabeth off me before looking down at her with a solemn look on my face. "I'm sorry, but this is the right thing. This is the way everyone will get proper justice." I told her before pushing past her and walking up to Vincent.

"Hello, Hugh. May I know who you are.?" Vincent asked with authority dripping off his words. The kind of authority which was lacking this cheery blonde in front of us.

"My apologies. I am the delta of the Lupo Reale pack. The Royal Pack. I am sorry that Alpha King Conri could not be present at such a place. I assure you, however that a crime committed on such an important pack will face proper justice. We will be taking the culprits to our pack and it is your wish whether you want to accompany us." Hugh replied. That's right. My decision was to involve the royal pack in this. The royal pack is the most powerful pack. There's only one royal pack in the whole world. Only one king of all werewolves.

Each pack has their own set of laws, but the laws crafted by the royal pack apply to every single, living werewolf. In the case of seeking justice, if a crime has been committed, any wolf may turn to the royal pack for help. Which is exactly what we did.

All of a sudden, a bang was heard. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" I jumped at the sound of my father's voice. Footsteps were heard. My father's footsteps as he walked towards our group. As soon as he reached us, he froze. Confusion took over his face. "Nice to see you back James, and Eliza, I see you've brought Isabella and some.. friends along..?"

"Jacob! What's going on." My heart froze at the sound of my mother's voice. As if on cue, Elizabeth and I ran towards the source of the voice. "Mamma!" Came our screech at the same time as we leaped towards her. My mother hugged Elizabeth once before diving into my arms. "Isabella, oh my dear baby, I missed you so much!" My heart broke as I heard my mother's voice.

"Ah that must be the suspect then?" My mother froze at hearing Hugh's words.

"Suspect?" My heart seemed to break even more when my mother looked at me like that.

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