18. Hospital

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"She's going to be fine Vince, don't worry." I vaguely heard a female voice speak up. Confusion laced my body when I couldn't open my eyes. All is a sudden, the memories hit me like a truck. The rogues. Me getting bit. James! Oh gosh James. Struggling, I focused hard in trying to open my eyes.

"Bella? BELLA! Guys look she's moving!" Wait, that's Vincent's voice.

"Ani call the doc!" Another manly voice voiced out this time. Choosing to ignore all the commotion around me, I focused hard. That's when I felt it. A hand grasping mine tightly. Vincent's hand.

I placed all my focus on his hand, squeezing tight as I tried to open my eyes. And then I felt it. The pain. The horrifying pain tearing up my throat. With a start, I jumped high on the bed. My eyes shot open as a pained scream made its way up my throat. I could vaguely feel some thick liquid trickle down my neck as I thrashed about the bed.

Two bodies jumped over mine, trying to hold me in place. But that didn't matter. What mattered was the unbearable pain shooting up my neck.

Looking downwards, my eyes widened when I saw all the blood on my body. All the blood that had just trickled out of my neck and coated the hospital scrubs I'd been wearing. Then, I panicked. I heard a large bang and with my blurry vision, I noticed people in white coats run in. I heard Vincent yell something before suddenly, my world went dark.


Blinking a few times, I finally managed to open my eyes without feeling any major pain anywhere. I opened them cautiously expecting to see the bright white light I saw the last time, but to my surprise, the room was dimly lit. That's when I felt the weight on my right palm... and on my stomach. Trying not to move my head too much, I looked downwards and saw Vincent, holding my palm with one hand, and resting his head on my stomach.

"Vi.." My eyes widened as realisation hit me. I couldn't talk! I opened my mouth again, but nothing came out except for a few grunts. Oh my god! And that's when the panic set in once more. My breathing increased as I looked around frantically. Why couldn't I talk. I felt a sharp pain on my neck, before I felt the liquid - blood - ooze out again.

Vincent's head shot up, his eyes quickly sweeping over me before he groaned and slammed his palm over a button on the side table. He slowly got up and took my arms in his. "Bella? What happened?" I opened my mouth to talk. But again, nothing came out. Tears finally made their way down my cheeks.

I pointed towards my mouth urgently. Then, finally, his eyes widened as he understood what I was trying to say. "You can't talk?" He asked, and I sadly shook my head, more tears flowing down. Sadness filled up his eyes. "Can I come on?" He asked, pointing towards the bed. I nodded violently. Nodding back, he pulled away the covers, before settling down next to me. In an instant, I clung to him, my tears soaking through his bloody T-shirt. Bloody?

I pulled away and took a look at his shirt. Almost brownish now, reeked of my scent. I looked up at him questioningly. "Remember when you woke up earlier and started thrashing around. Jasper and I had to hold you in place." I nodded. So the two bodies were Vincent and Jasper. Then his face looked concerned. I looked at his eyes to see them trained on my neck. "Damn Bella. You've reopened your wound... again. Baby, would you just let it heal?" Vincent said with a slight shake of his head, moving down to put his head on mine.

"About your voice, the doctor warned that it might happen.. wait where the hell is the doctor? I just called him." He muttered angrily, but my mind stayed on what he said before. Doctor warned him it would happen? Did I really just lose my voice because of a stupid rogue?

Just then, the door opened softly. I looked up to see a woman walk in. She looked at me with a sad smile. "Oh Luna, your wound has reopened." She said, while moving around the room, grabbing some things.

"Eva, she can't talk." Vincent spoke up urgently. The doctor's head turned towards me instantly.

"Oh boy." She said before stepping closer. "Hello Luna. I'm doctor Evangeline, but you can simply call me Eva. Now can I take a look at your neck while we talk about your voice?" Nodding, I tilted my head slightly. Eva moved closer and got right to removed the old gauze off.

"Alright so, the rogue bit into your neck a little too hard. It ended up damaging your vocal chords. Now luckily, it wasn't a total damage, so being a wolf, you will be able to heal back completely. A human would've lost their voice for good after such an injury." I sighed in relief. Ok, so I wasn't mute forever.

"However, you have to make sure not to keep reopening your wound. Or the scar will last forever. We don't want that to happen." Eyes wide, I nodded seriously. Vincent placed a palm on my back soothingly. After checking up some more on my vitals, the doctor left us alone. I looked out the window to see pitch darkness.

"Derek and Damon are questioning the rogue. Sarah and Olivia are at the hospital cafe and Eliza is with James. She wanted to sit here, but I told her you'd be fine with me so." Vincent explained, snuggling me even tighter. I looked at him, and realised that I could talk back through our mind link.

"Vincent. How is James? How long was I out? How are you?" I added in the last part after just noticing the cut on his eyebrow, and his busted lip. He smiled softly.

"James is doing ok. The doctors are keeping him unconscious to let his wolf heal him without worrying about him. But the plan is to call Adira after sunrise. You were out for a day, your wolf nearly healed your neck, but you ripped it open twice so." He paused to chuckle, which in return he earned a light slap on his arm. Laughing, he pulled me closer.

"I asked you one more thing Vince. How are you?" He looked away sadly. I furrowed my eyebrows and leaned back to look at him. "Vincent?"

"I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What happened sweetie?" Vincent sighed before his eyes got watery. "Vincent!" I frowned, my own eyes getting watery seeing my mate so sad. I pushed myself upwards to pull Vincent in a tight hug. "Please tell me baby. What happened?"

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have been so far from you. By the time I saw and came.. it was too late. I should've checked on you. Because of my fault, both you and James suffered." My eyes widened. This is how he felt? I frowned and slowly reached up to wipe his tears away.

"Please don't say that. It's not your job to look after all of us. I'm the Luna, and James is an Alpha. It's our job to protect our people too. What happened to us wasn't your fault. Us taking a fall for our people, isn't anyone's fault but the rogues'."

Pride shone in Vincent's eyes, before they lit up. "I have an idea! I can't believe it isn't the first thing I tried!" I tilted my head slowly. Shaking his head, Vincent slowly pulled a away from me and much to my protest, got off the bed. He slowly peeled his clothes off his body, before shifting with a loud growl.

The big, black wolf walked over to my left side and nudged my neck. I stared at him in confusion. Then his voice entered my head. "Take off the gauze." Confused, I shrugged and ripped the bandage off with with a snarl. Shit that hurt! "I'm sorry." Before I could ask anything else, he leaned extremely close and.. licked my neck. Oh!

I tried to hold in the scream, letting out short grunts of pain. He licked my neck for a few more seconds before pulling away. I looked down to examine my neck, and when I looked back up, Vincent was back to human form. "It may not show anything just yet, but we'll check it tomorrow morning." He said, applying the bandage back on.

Sighing, he slipped back underneath the covers and kissed me softly. "Good night Bella. Go to sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up." Nodding, I hugged Vincent tight and drifted off into a deep sleep.

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