16. Kitchen

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Vincent and I went to the pack house to have breakfast with everyone. I had also decided that I would cook for James since he loved my cooking and it had been quite a long time since he last ate food cooked by me.

We entered the pack house and I broke off from Vince to make my way to the kitchen. He pulled me back to give me a soft kiss before releasing his hold on me. I smiled at him before turning and walking on. My smile dropped to a look of confusion at the sight that greeted me in the kitchen.

Amanda, one of the pack cooks at Blue Moon Pack (my old pack) was here. I guess she was there with the group of people that James had brought along. Why did he bring a cook with him though? I shook my head and realized that it didn't matter much anyway, she hadn't started cooking yet, I could just tell her that there was no need to cook here, this week James will have the food I cook.

"Amanda?" I questioned making her jump and turn around instantly. Her eyes were wide and she looked scared. Within a second the initial shock on her face subsided into a smile.

"It's so good to see you again Luna." She bowed a little in respect. I smiled, but again the confusion etched itself onto my face.

"Not to be rude Amanda, but what exactly are you doing here?" I questioned since her being here wasn't exactly adding up.

"Alpha Stone needs his food to be made to perfection at all times, and as you know, I am the only cook at our pack that knows how to master the food he likes." I frowned at that while thinking about how to reply in a nice way.

"Well, that's good I guess, but you should have asked before entering the kitchen. Not that I don't trust you, but the kitchen isn't a place where just anyone can enter. Anyway, for this next week, you must stay out of the kitchen."

Her jaw dropped at my response as her posture turned stiff. "But Luna, you can not do this! Alpha Stone will surely be angry at hearing that you've banned his favorite cook from the kitchen."

Her rudeness angered me as I felt my temper rise at an even faster rate. I had told nicely to stay out of my kitchen, yet she dared to speak back to me.

"His favorite cook is standing right here in front of you. I do not ever want to see you lingering near my kitchen ever again. I could have you thrown out of my pack right now as a result of your rudeness towards me, but I'm giving you a chance. Step in front of the kitchen door ever, and you'll be immediately kicked out, understood?" I snarled out as I felt the last of my cool snap when she made a face towards the end.

Her eyes suddenly held a fear in them and I knew just the reason why. My canines had unconsciously elongated as my eyes started glowing too. "Are you waiting for Christmas here? OUT!" I roared out with a growl following. I was always known to be the soft and sweet one until my cool snapped which only happened very very rarely. And when it happened, I was a scary person to be around.

Suddenly all my anger evaporated when I felt two arms wrap around me. In midst of my anger, I didn't realize when Amanda left or when Vince entered the kitchen. All I knew now was that one of his hands had taken its place around my waist as the other held my head against his neck.

"Come, let's make breakfast for our guests." I looked up in shock to see that Vince had his shirt sleeves pulled up and the first two buttons unbuttoned. He took my hand and led me to the stove, getting out the ingredients for breakfast.

"They all said they'll have coffee, but some wanted sugar, others wanted it black, so we'll just make plain black coffee, and then they can add sugar or milk or whatever based on how they want it." My jaw dropped as Vince said all this while pushing me towards the counter.

"Vince, hey it's ok, the cooks here can make it."

"No, you wanted to make food for your brother while he's here, go ahead, I'll make coffee."

I smiled before getting started with the cooking.


"I must say, I definitely missed your cooking Ellie." James said with a sigh as he pushed his plate away. We were all sitting at the dining table in the pack house. Vince was sitting at the head of the table, and I was on his right. Next to me were James and then Eliza. Derek was at Vince's left, along with Olivia and Damon. Sarah was perched on Damon's lap which was no surprise.

"Right!! Even here, she barely cooks for us! It's always just for Vincent!! Have you ever tried her pizza!! Delicious!" Derek screeched causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey, there's only a few things she manages to cook anyway, don't inflate her ego even more." Upon hearing hearing Vince tease me for the first time, the entire table broke out in chuckles. My hand shot out to smack Vince upside the head, causing everyone's eyes to widen. However, Vince just replied by ruffling up my hair, which made me squeal in anger, and made everyone laugh hysterically.

Suddenly, a plan formed in my head, and I slowly moved out of my seat, but before I could do anything else, Vince pulled me towards him and straight onto his lap. My eyes widened as everyone laughed and Derek even wolf whistled. I just sighed and decided to get comfortable on his lap, as he readjusted me to face the dining table.

He wrapped his arms tightly around my body and dropped his chin down on my shoulder. I tilted my head back a little to place a soft kiss on his temple. He smiled and hugged me even tighter. I sighed in contentment, knowing I had finally reached where I wanted to be from the first time I'd set my eyes on Vincent. A chorus of awes resonated across the table, which brought a deep blush to my cheeks and Vincent laughed once again.

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