13. Luna

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"Izzy come on, you have just a minute left to get there!" Sarah screeched as she grabbed my arm to pull me out the door. I stopped to take one last look at myself in the floor length mirror in Vince's-our room. I was wearing a long, white spaghetti strap dress that had lace down till my stomach and then it flowed out. It was a full length gown that Sarah, Olivia and I bought a few days ago. My almost black hair was left natural, cascading in long waves.

Now that Vince had finally marked me, I had to be accepted to the pack as their new Luna. I allowed Sarah to pull me out the door and towards the clearing. We were basically running at the pace I was being dragged at, but that was not a problem for me since I had to be barefoot during the ceremony, and Sarah was using to sprinting in high heels.

Within seconds, we made it to the clearing. This was not the same place as where the introduction had taken place. That being a massive amphitheater, this was just the clearing outside our house. Although this wasn't a wedding, it was a huge deal to accept a Luna in the pack and so it held a similar importance. There were fairy lights adorning the surrounding trees, and this time, there was a flower bed for me to walk on.

As we reached the flower bed, I noticed all the people seated around us. They were all staring at Vincent in awe.

Sarah let go of my arm to go and take place next to Damon, who was on Vincent's right side. Vincent. He looked amazing in his white pants and white shirt. His jet black hair was set properly, unlike the usual mess atop his head. My heart skipped a beat when I noticed the large smile on his face. Oh, so that's why everyone's staring at him.

Slowly, but steadily, I walked over to him. As I reached him, he leaned forward and took my hand in his. I heard a squeal from my left side and saw Olivia and Derek standing there with big smiles in their faces. My own smile mirrored theirs as I raised my free hand towards my mark.

It was on the right side of my neck and it basically just looked like an imprint of two set of teeth, with four bigger marks of canines. Looking at Vince once more, I saw the the first few buttons of his shirt had been undone, and the collar had been pulled back to show my mark on him. Ah, that's why there were that many whispers going on all around. Nobody would've expected Vincent to get a mark on him.

Vince pulled me a little closer, before turning me to face the crowd. It was then that I noticed a woman in a long, baby pink gown walking over the flower bed to us. She was definitely the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, with her long brown hair and tan skin. Her eyes were so so blue and her cheeks had a natural blush to them. She had a goblet in her right hand, and a dagger in her left. Both studded in rubies.

She stopped directly in front of us and fixed her unwavering gaze on me. My hand tightened around Vincent's and immediately, his thumb started rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

He leaned closer towards me while keeping his eyes on the lady. "She is Elder Adira, one of the pack elders." I nodded my head in reply and smiled at Elder Adira. The corners of her lips tilted upwards in reply.

She raised her left hand, and handed the dagger over to Vince. "Alpha Vincent Black of the Blood Moon Pack." She nodded in greeting. Vince nodded subtly in reply. He took the dagger from Elder Adira's hand as she raised the goblet towards us. He held the dagger in his right hand and enclosed his left hand around the blade of the dagger before moving his left hand down. A trail of blood was left on the dagger, while a lot of drops had fallen into the goblet.

He handed over the dagger to me while Elder Adira stared at me. "Isabella Stone, do you vow to protect Alpha Vincent Black and The Blood Moon Pack till your very last breath?" Elder Adira suddenly asked me. I nodded my head before letting out a strong and confident "I do." Elder Adira nodded before continuing. "Do you promise to make sure you will do whatever it takes to keep the pack safe?" I nodded once more before saying "I do," with a smile.

Elder Adira nodded and smiled before motioning towards the knife. I followed the steps Vince did and watched as my blood dripped down in the goblet. Vince took my hand in his and let the blood mix. As that happened, I felt a rush of different emotions as a result of being linked to the entire pack.

Elder Adira turned around to face the crowd. "Pack, I present to you, Alpha Vincent Black and Luna Isabella Stone of the Blood Moon Pack!" The entire crowd broke out in cheers and yells of happiness. Elder Adira looked at me and motioned me forward. I took one step forward and took a deep breath.

"Good afternoon pack, I just wanted to say that I will love and protect your Alpha as well as each and every one of you till the time I'm breathing and alive. I will do whatever it takes to ensure all of your safety at all times, and that is my promise to you. If you need anything that requires my assistance, please don't shy away from telling me."

I stepped back with a smile on my face and watched all the pack members look up at me with wonder. I felt a burst of amazement and pride in me and instantly I knew those were Vince's emotions. I smiled when I saw appreciation in Elder Adira's eyes too. "Welcome to the Pack Luna Isabella." She said with a smile.

Suddenly, Sarah came up to me with a confused look on her face. "Izz , your phone is ringing. It's Alpha James."

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