Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

The bell rang, signaling the end of another school year. Students laughed and shouted as they raced down the crowded hallways.

“See you tonight, ladies!” Brooklyn called to her friends.

“Sounds good, B!” they called back.

I can’t believe my first year of high school is actually over, thought Brooklyn with a sigh. The year had been pretty eventful, but not in a good way. Everything had been going great until winter break, when her mother announced that she and Brooklyn’s father were separating. The initial shock left Brooklyn and her brother Jax speechless. First she went numb. It didn’t take long for the aftermath to hit her right in the face. Her grades began to slip and her teachers reported that she was no longer her happy-go-lucky self. Sometimes, when she was alone, she would cry. Other times she would get so angry she felt as if steam would literally come out of her ears. Her brother seemed to take it better. He focused all of his sadness, anger, and frustration on the basketball court. Jax was Kennedy High School’s star point guard and he had been offered a coveted scholarship to play for the coveted Duke University basketball team in the fall.

Although she didn’t have basketball to rely on, Brooklyn did have two amazing friends, Taliyah and Parker, who were always there for her. They had been friends since kindergarten and their friendship had survived many ups and downs. Lately, they were inseparable, and tonight wasn’t any different. Thanks to their popular older siblings, the three had been invited to the party of the year at Jocelyn MacIntyre’s house. Simply attending the party would enhance their popularity status substantially. Everyone who was anyone at Kennedy would be there.

Jocelyn MacIntyre’s parents lived in a huge house with a massive pool and private tennis courts. The party would be catered by the best restaurant in town and The Wires were going to play live music all night. Best of all, there would be minimal parental supervision. Jocelyn had ‘the cool parents’ who usually ended up so bombed they weren’t capable of telling anyone what they could or couldn’t do.

Brooklyn had to admit, she was pretty stoked about attending the party. She had already spent hours picking out the perfect outfit and accessories. A simple green tank top, jean skirt, and black leggings accompanied by some cute gold earrings.

She sighed as she walked home. A warm breeze rustled the blossoms on the trees and Brooklyn enjoyed the time alone to think in the fresh air. By the time she got home, Jax and his best friend, Kai, were shooting hoops in the driveway.

“Hey B! Watch out!” shouted Jax a second too late. Before she could even look up, a basketball slammed into the side of her head. THUD! Brooklyn’s face immediately turned crimson. Although the basketball to the head hurt, she was more embarrassed Kai had seen it happen. He was literally perfect from head to toe. He had amazing aquamarine eyes with sandy blonde hair and a smile that could take your breath away. Then there was his body, perfectly tanned, lean, and athletic. When Brooklyn thought about Kai, her stomach flipped and her knees turned to jelly. Unfortunately, Jax knew exactly how she felt about Kai and he teased her all the time.

As if on cue, he shouted, “Sorry B! I know how you like to look your best for Kai!” Brooklyn’s cheeks burned hotter and she raced through the open garage door.

Ugh! If it weren’t for this party I would disown him!

A few hours later, Brooklyn looked at herself in the mirror. She twirled one last time to make sure that her outfit and hair looked perfect.  

Her mother passed by her daughter’s open door. “Sweetheart, you look beautiful!”

“Thanks, Mom,” Brooklyn replied as she slipped on a new pair of wedge heels.

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