Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Guests tapped their crystal champagne flutes, prompting the happy couple to smile at one another before they kissed again.

After several courses, it was finally time for dessert. Sophie and Algid stood and walked hand in hand to a massive cake that had been wheeled in from the kitchen.

“Before the happy couple cuts the cake, I would like to say a few words,” said the King. “First and foremost, I am so pleased that young love has blossomed here in Sumner, and although I will miss my daughter dearly, I know their love will bring joy to the people of Dratun as well.”

Sophie sighed and stuck out her lower lip. Comforting his bride, Algid leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. The crowd let out a collective, “Aw!”

“However, I want my daughter to know that not all is lost for her father. Lady Adeline, will you please come forward and join me?”

The crowd parted and Lady Adeline glided through with a sly smile on her face.

“As you all know, my dear wife has long been gone, leaving my heart empty for many years.”

People murmured in agreement.

“Today, I would like to announce my intentions to fill the emptiness and bring life to my once dying heart.” He got down on one knee. “With my kingdom as my witness, Lady Adeline, would you do me the pleasure of becoming my wife?”

Gasps erupted throughout the ballroom.

Lady Adeline clapped a hand to her mouth and then smiled. “Your Highness, my King, I would love nothing more!”

Sophie squealed in joy and ran to hug her father and Lady Adeline.

The guests burst into applause and joyful cheers.

The King smiled and held his new fiancée’s hand. “Thank you, thank you! Now, let’s cut the cake!”

The newly married couple cut the cake together and Algid ceremoniously dabbed a small bite-sized piece on his bride’s nose.

The people of Sumner couldn’t be happier. Their beloved princess was back and happily married, and now their King had chosen a new bride.

Waiters milled about and passed out pieces of cake to guests.

Between bites of light, fluffy almond-flavored cake, Algid looked deeply into Sophie’s eyes. “I hope you know I have always loved you, ever since we were children.”

“My Prince, you are so sweet. I shall always love you.”

After they had finished eating their cake and several toasts had been made, the waiters began to clear the tables and move everything off the dance floor.

The King stood and cleared his throat. “Prince Algid and Princess Sophie, please make your way to the floor for your first dance.”

As the music started, the two began to sway to the music. Algid literally swept his new bride off her feet.

The song ended with Algid dipping Sophie. “Having fun?”

“How’d you know?” she replied with a giggle.

The rest of the night was a magical blur filled with dancing, tasty late night hors d’oeuvres, and more champagne.

Finally, the last song was played and the guests began to file out of the ballroom.

Princess Sophie suddenly felt extremely nervous and her heart began to thump rapidly in her chest. I’ve never slept with anyone, not even in the literal sense! What am I going to do? Is he going to expect me to sleep with him?

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