Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

How could finding Brianna go so wrong? She doesn’t even know who I am! She’s clearly under the influence of some type of horrendous concoction that causes memory loss.

He kept repeating, “It’s me, Bri, your brother, Ryder!”

“I don’t have a brother and I certainly don’t know who you are! Now, if you want me to show you to Princess Sophie’s chambers, please stop talking to me!”

“What about our mother? Is she here with you? Is she safe?”

“Listen, I don’t know how you know about my mother, but if you say one more word, I’m finding the nearest guard and reporting you!”

Ryder’s heart sank and he felt utterly devastated. He followed her silently up the stairs and through the castle. Once they reached Princess Sophie’s room, he went in to deliver the food and the secret letter he had written Brooklyn.

Before going in the room, he turned to Brianna and said, “I’ll be right back. I have to save Brooklyn, please wait for me.”

He looked Brianna in the eyes and attempted to hug her. Freaking out, she pushed him away roughly. “Get away from me!”

Anguish filled his body and it took every ounce of courage to walk away from his sister.

Stepping into the room, he broke out into a cold sweat. Being this close to Brooklyn made his pulse quicken and his stomach feel queasy. Talk about convincing, Brooklyn barely even looked at me. I hope she has everyone else fooled, too!

When he came back out of Brooklyn’s room, Brianna was gone.

Damn it! Why didn’t I plan for this? Never in a million years had he thought his own sister wouldn’t recognize him. Now what?

He decided to continue to follow the plan and meet up with Lant and the others in the royal gardens. They’ll be able to help me!

Finding unguarded hallways was difficult and it took twice as long as he had planned to get to the gardens. Please let her be there! Please let her be there!

As soon as he stepped out into the cool, crisp air, he knew something was wrong. The surrounding flowers had wilted and before he could turn around and get back into the castle, the horrifying smell of rotten fish overwhelmed his senses.

“No!” screamed Ryder.

A deep, gravelly, voice spoke, “Ah, so we meet again, Ryder.”

Reaching for his sword out of instinct, he was instantly deflated when he realized that he had given it to Albie to bring to him in the royal gardens.

Oh no! What about Albie, Cridifer, and the others? Are they safe? Did Grishma catch them, too?

Ryder sunk to his knees. He knew it was pointless to run. Grishma would catch him and kill him or throw him in the dungeon.

Emerging from the shadows, Grishma towered over Ryder and the neatly trimmed hedges. “Come boy,” the beast said as she grabbed Ryder by the back of his shirt.

What is Grishma going to do with me?

The stench was overwhelming and Ryder could feel the bile creeping up the back of his throat.

After several turns, Grishma carried Ryder up a flight of stairs and onto a gray marble balcony.

Growling, she threw Ryder to the floor. “Here, you can watch your precious Brooklyn, oops, I mean, Princess Sophie, marry Prince Algid, and then I’m going to throw you in the dungeons with your little friends!”

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