Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine   

A booming voice awoke Brooklyn from her flower-induced slumber. “My daughter! My sweet, sweet daughter! You have returned to me!”

Brooklyn’s eyes flew open. Looking around, she took in a large hall with deep crimson banners flying throughout. Each wall was covered with at least ten portraits and several sconces holding candles.

Turning her head slightly, she realized she was slouching in a fancy chair with gold and silver accents. In front of her was a large group of people dressed in strange clothing. The women were wearing brightly colored dresses with tight corset tops and flowing skirts on the bottom. The men were dressed in loose-fitting brown pants, white or tan long-sleeved shirts, and long flowing red capes.

Laro was sitting next to Brooklyn grinning from ear to ear in a fancy velvety outfit.

Where am I? Who are these people?

A large man with a thick brown beard rushed over to her. He reached forward and kissed her forehead repeatedly.

Okay, don’t panic, this is probably just a nightmare. Just breathe deeply and smile.

“Sweet daughter! Where have you been? I have spent every day searching for you since you disappeared!”

Okay, so it isn’t a nightmare and even the King thinks I’m his daughter! “Um, Your Majesty, I think there has been some sort of mistake. I’m not Princess Sophie! My name is Brooklyn.”

Drawing his face within inches of hers he appeared to study her closely.

“Laro! What is the meaning of this? What have you done with my precious daughter? Why does she not recognize her own father?”

Laro cowered in his chair. “Um, Sire, she has been claiming to be this Brooklyn since I met her. I think perhaps her mind has been altered. I’m sure it’s nothing your potion mixers cannot fix — right, Your Grace?”

The King glared at the small furry creature and then turned to inspect Brooklyn again. He leaned so close to her face that she could smell his breath. Yuck! It smells like rotten fish!

Sensing she still wasn’t ready to admit she was the long lost Princess Sophie, he looked at Laro and yelled, “YOU! What have you done to my daughter?” His voice became louder and louder with every word he uttered and a large purple vein protruded from his forehead.

He immediately switched to a softer tone and looked at Brooklyn. “Who did this to you, my sweet Sophie? Why don’t you recognize me? Please tell me. Was it Laro? Has he erased your memory?”

Brooklyn’s eyes grew wider but she was too scared to say anything. What do I do? Should I just play along?

The King slammed his hands down on the arms of his throne and stood up. “That’s it! Take Laro and throw him in the dungeons until this matter has been settled!”

Laro looked petrified. He barely managed to squeak, “But, but, Your Majesty! I was promised a reward! Why aren’t you taking me to one of your finest estates to live happily ever after?”

The King seethed. “A reward? For the traitor that erased my daughter’s memory? Never! Guards, take him now!

Switching his demeanor again, he looked at Brooklyn. “There, there, my sweet darling daughter. Don’t worry your pretty head about that treacherous little creature! I will find someone to fix your memory, after all, we have the best potion masters in all of Necoh in this very castle!”

Potion masters? Maybe Ryder’s mother and sister are here? Okay, you better play along for now. Maybe you can find and save them before you escape. After working up the courage to speak, Brooklyn managed to stammer, “Thank you, Father.”

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