Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Her heart sank and fresh tears stung her eyes. “Goodbye, Father,” said Sophie.

Wrapping his arms around her tightly, he kissed her forehead and replied, “Goodbye, my love.”

“Father, I will miss you so very much. What if I am lonely in Dratun?”

“I will think of you every day that you are gone, my sweet daughter. And don’t worry, you won’t be lonely. Brianna and Emlyn are going with you. They will keep you company. Plus, Prince Algid loves you very much. You needn’t worry about anything.”

Her stomach felt nauseous and her heart pounded in her chest.

Am I really about to do this? I’m leaving my home, my father, and my kingdom!

The King looked over his shoulder and said, “Darling, you may come say your goodbyes now.”

Gliding into the room, Lady Adeline dripped with precious jewels and golden rings. “Oh, my precious Princess Sophie! Today, I too, feel like I’m losing a daughter!”

Lady Adeline drew Sophie into her arms and squeezed her tightly. When she pulled away, she blinked back a few tears and then buried her face in the King’s chest.

Before any further goodbyes were issued, Algid strode into the room. “Princess Sophie, our royal carriage awaits. It is time for us to depart.”

Stealing one last hug and kiss on the cheek from her father, Sophie turned to face her new husband and said, “I am ready, my Prince.”

Plush emerald colored material covered the inside of the royal carriage and fluffy pillows in silky golden cases lined the seats.

Leaning back on one of the pillows, Sophie sighed.

“What’s wrong?” asked Algid.

Smiling, she said, “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just quite tired from all of the festivities.”

“I can only begin to imagine how you feel right now. Everyone has been so worried about you since you went missing. Then you get home, we get married, and now we are on our way to Dratun, all in less than a week!”

She chuckled. “I think more has happened this week than any other week in my life.”

His face went from cheerful to serious. “I hope you are happy to be joining me in Dratun?” asked Algid.

“Of course! It will just be strange moving somewhere and only knowing three people.”

“Don’t worry, you will make many friends there, my sweet Princess.”

“Do you really think the people of Dratun will like me?”

Leaning forward, Algid looked directly into her eyes and said, “Of course! What’s not to like about you?”

Sophie dropped her head and smiled sweetly. “I’m so lucky to be married to such a wonderful prince.”

“And I to you.”

Turning to gaze out the window, Sophie looked at the familiar sights of the castle grounds. The royal gardens were stunning this time of year. Her eyes swept over beautiful indigo and orange flowers that were in full bloom. Then her eyes landed on a brown, wilted section of the garden. How strange. I wonder what happened over there?

The carriage continued forward and the stables came into view.

“Do you ride?” asked Sophie.

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