Chapter Six

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Chapter Six  

How could I let Grishma take her? Why didn’t I take her home last night when I had the chance? I wanted to keep her here longer, that’s why! Damn it! I’m so selfish!

After the attack, it took awhile to peel himself off the ground. To say he was feeling dejected was the understatement of the year.

Okay, get it together damn it! You have got to find her! Ryder turned and sprinted back to the caves. He needed to pick up some supplies and most importantly, his father’s sword. Find the tracks, get the girl, and kill Grishma. It became his mantra and he repeated it as he emerged from the caves and back into the forest.

Breaking into a sprint, vibrant shades of green whizzed by his face. Even at this breakneck speed, the beauty of Necoh never ceased to amaze him. Vivid red and indigo lera berries dotted bushes. Brilliant chartreuseflowers shot out of the mossy earth.

Sweat poured down his face and dripped down his back. His shirt clung to his body, revealing long, lean muscles. Exhaustion swept him like a strong breeze on a still day. Giving up wasn’t an option. No matter how tired he got, he had to press on.

What the hell does Grishma want with her? Is it taking her to Bastu? The thought of the notorious stronghold made Ryder’s stomach sink and his breath quicken.

Pushing through the thick brush felt like walking through wet cement. Each step was heavy and strenuous.

Ahhh! Frustration began to mount to dangerous levels the third time he had to retrace his path back through the brush to find Grishma’s footsteps.

By dusk, Ryder approached the banks of the Swive River.

What happened?

Switching from purposeful, Grishma’s tracks suddenly appeared frantic. Looking around the muddy riverbank, Ryder saw strange marks and a second pair of tracks.

Panic washed over Ryder. She must have jumped into the water to get away from Grishma.

For the second time in only a few hours, Ryder’s heart sank. Rumors swirled that the notorious Swive River had taken hundreds of lives every year. An outsider like Brooklyn would have never survived, especially when even the supersized, terrifying Grishma even trembled at the river’s gruesome flow.

If Brooklyn threw herself in to escape Grishma, what were the chances she survived? If she did, how far down the river did she get?

Ryder rarely traveled down the riverbanks of the Swive. He knew the risks and they almost always outweighed the opportunities provided further downstream. 

Ryder tripped over a root coming out of the soft ground, which caused him to lose his balance and his mental composure.

This is impossible! I’m never going to find her tonight. I can’t even see my own feet, let alone Grishma’s tracks!

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