Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Brooklyn’s heart pounded in her chest. “I said, I’m not doing anything until someone tells me what the hell is going on!”

“Princess, this isn’t the way you were supposed to find out,” said Lenora.

“If you weren’t so damn nosy, it wouldn’t matter!” snapped Adeline.

Lenora placed a comforting hand on Brooklyn’s shoulder. “Sit down, dear. Adeline, go fetch her a glass of water.”

Adeline spun on her heel and stormed out of the room.

“Please, Lenora. Please tell me what’s going on,” Brooklyn pleaded.

“Sweetheart, your father, the King, has decided it’s best if you marry Prince Algid. It what’s best for the two kingdoms.”

“Prince who?”

“Prince Algid from Dratun, the Frozen Lands. His father is a formidable ally to our kingdom and to ensure that peace continues, your father feels it would be best for you two to marry.”

“But I just returned! Why would he want to marry me off so suddenly? Plus, I’m too young!”

“I’m so sorry,” said Lenora shaking her head. “The King, well, let’s just say he has a particularly influential advisor who feels that it would be best.”

“Oh really? Any chance this advisor is Grishma?”

Lenora gasped loudly. “Child, how is it that you don’t remember anything, yet you know of Grishma?”

Uh oh! Over share!

Before she could respond, the door opened and Adeline walked in with a glass and a small pitcher filled with a cloudy, lemon colored water.

With a terse expression on her face, she poured a glass and handed it to Brooklyn. “Here you are, Princess.”

Looking Adeline straight in the eyes, Brooklyn asked, “Why are you being so bitchy?”

Putting one hand on her hip and pointing another in Brooklyn’s face, she shouted, “Because I know you aren’t Princess Sophie! You’re a fake!”

Lenora looked absolutely shell shocked. “Bite your tongue, Adeline, or be gone to the dungeons!”

Brooklyn’s jaw dropped and she could feel her heart thumping wildly in her chest. Okay, remain calm. You can fix this. She took a deep breath and a big gulp from the heavy crystal glass Adeline had handed her moments ago.

“I can explain everything.” She looked at Lenora first, then Adeline. “It’s… it’s just that… I fell into a bumblebee and then the kitten purred. I couldn’t possibly be a burglar. It’s the jack hole’s fault,” slurred Brooklyn.

“What are you talking about? Are you okay, Princess Sophie?” asked Lenora.

Before she could sputter one more ounce of nonsense, her vision blurred and the room began to spin.

“There, there, Princess Sophie,” Adeline purred with a wicked grin on her face.

“Hand me the hot rods, I need to curl one last section of her hair.”

“I think her makeup is done. What do you think, Mora?”

“She needs more sparkle! This is her wedding, after all. She’s supposed to glow with happiness!”

“Glow with happiness? Ha! She doesn’t even know there’s going to be a wedding!”

“Yes, she does. Pinga let it slip. She has such a big mouth!”

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