Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

“Brooklyn,” said Ryder in a hushed voice. “Please follow me right now. Our lives depend on it!”

Without another word, Brooklyn grabbed Ryder’s hand and they began to run. It wasn’t until she stepped on a sharp rock that Brooklyn realized she had forgotten her shoes back where she and Ryder collided. She cried out in pain and slowed down.

“We don’t have time!” Ryder said urgently. Brooklyn looked down at her foot and saw a deep gash. “Ryder, I can’t… I’m hurt.”

“Just a little bit further! We’re almost there!” said Ryder. He led Brooklyn deeper into the forest, away from civilization. She tried to keep up, but the cut on her foot slowed her down considerably. Whatever was following them wasn’t giving up. Intermittent snarls and howls kept Brooklyn motivated to keep moving, no matter how painful it was.

Ryder could hear the rushing water. They were getting closer. Just a few more minutes and they would be safe. He navigated his way through the trees to the edge of a clearing. Ahead he saw his intended destination. Through the mist from a waterfall, a moonbow shimmered. Brooklyn couldn’t believe her eyes. “How can there be a rainbow in the middle of the night?” she asked.

“We’re almost there, Brooklyn, just a few more feet,” Ryder panted. Pulling her by the hand, he led them into the small lake at the base of the waterfall, and then quickly waded out to the middle of the moonbow.

“Brooklyn,” Ryder said turning and looking into her eyes. “There’s something very bad following us. If it catches us, it will kill us. There’s only one way I can keep you safe right now. Please, you have to trust me.”

Brooklyn stared into his deep green eyes. “I think I believe you,” she replied. “But…” before she could agree, a bone-chilling snarl interrupted her.

“Quick,” Ryder said, rummaging through his pockets. “Drink this!” He presented her with one of two small glass vials filled with an indigo liquid. Brooklyn downed the sugary formula and her eyes widened. What had been chasing them finally burst into the clearing. She dropped the empty bottle and a blood-curdling scream escaped her lips just as the large beast lunged straight for them.

Right before the indescribable thing reached them, Brooklyn felt like something hooked her by the shirt and ripped her away. It felt like an invisible rollercoaster. It pulled her up, down, left, right and every other way it could. Hot air blasted her in the face, making perspiration dampen her brow. The only thing keeping her from throwing up was Ryder’s hand tightly gripping hers. She struggled to see him as a dense fog encircled their bodies. Then they were falling. She felt her fingers slipping from his grasp. Panic and confusion set in. It felt like forever until a jolt threw her forward and she slammed into the ground. Everything went black.

The headache hammering at her brain woke Brooklyn up. Her foot throbbed and burned. She opened her eyes, expecting to see the familiar objects in her bedroom and perhaps her cat, Snuggles, curled up by her feet. Instead, she saw a dirt floor and crude stone walls.

What in the world? Where the hell am I? Brooklyn thought as she looked around the small, dimly lit room. Then everything came rushing back. The party, Ryder, the night rainbow, and the horrible beast that was trying to kill them. Her thoughts were interrupted by a rattling noise coming from another room.

Brooklyn squinted to see out the door and timidly said, “Ryder? Is that you?” The noise stopped and Brooklyn froze. What if it isn’t Ryder? What if it’s that horrible monster we saw last night?

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